
One agency has the credibility and technical expertise to investigate.
Aviation Week Network
Aerospace Digest
Civil, military and space
Jim Hall, Chris Hart, Deb Hersman. Robert Sumwalt

Only one agency has the independence, credibility and technical expertise to investigate.
Brian Everstine

On its 75th anniversary, the service looks to a future using increased autonomy and a further migration of key missions to space.
SNC TRAXsoftware leverages military and commercial open-based standards to power a true JADC2 experience. It creates the data fabric that informs decision making through a connected battlefield. SNC TRAX connects platforms, ground units and operations centers, rapidly integrating disparate systems for maximum command, control and situational awareness across domains.
Graham Warwick

Diamond Aircraft is facing challenges to reaching agreement with regulators on requirements for certification of its eDA40 electric trainer. Battery safety is a key concern for certification, which is planned for 2023.
Molly McMillin

Wichita’s aviation industry has undergone a major shift in its manufacturing processes. Aviation employment has fallen nearly in half during the past two decades, while output has risen sharply. The only way that can occur is through increases in productivity and the addition of new technology and equipment, according to officials at Wichita State University’s Center for Economic Development and Business Research.
Guy Norris

Life has never been so complicated, or promising, for engine-makers aiming to power more than 30,000 new single-aisle airliners that Airbus and Boeing forecast will be delivered over the next two decades.
Aviation Week & Space Technology Subscription Required
Steve Trimble, Brian Everstine

A partial grounding of the U.S. V-22 fleet has been lifted after a nagging issue with a slipping sprag clutch caused two more emergency landings.
Helen Massy-Beresford

Carriers are finding new ways to encourage passengers to pay for flexibility and a smooth journey.
This is one event you won't want to miss if the success of your business revolves around understanding ever changing government customer demands and contract awards or solving the challenges that may arise from global market conditions, A&D industry consolidation and digitalization.
October 6-7, 2022 - Chicago, IL

November 2, 2022 - Washington, DC

January 30,  2023 - Beverly Hills, CA