Hello Humble Bitcoiners! 
The number of newly minted bitcoin decreases over time. There will only be 21 million bitcoin ever issued.

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📝 Today's Rundown
  • 🔥 Fees Trending To ZeroFidelity, the finance giant, announced it had opened a waitlist for its bitcoin trading offering, but it has yet to set a launch date.
  • 🥷🏼 Cypherpunk Ethic: Examining the various innovations that led to the Bitcoin white paper shows us that only Bitcoin continues the Cypherpunk ethos.
  • 🇺🇸 Lessons From Revolution: Bitcoiners must break through the public's perception of money and introduce the new paradigm of bitcoin.
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 🔥 Fees Trending To Zero

Fidelity Opens Wait List For Commission-Free Bitcoin Trading
By Namcios

Fidelity Investments, the financial services behemoth, has opened access to a waiting list for its bitcoin trading offering for users to express interest in their upcoming product. This new product would allow their clients to buy and sell bitcoin with no fees, in an attempt to compete with popular cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance, who recently launched their own zero-fee trading campaign.

Over the last year, the company has been taking great steps in the bitcoin sector. Being one of the world's largest asset managers with over $4.5 trillion in assets under management, Fidelity started by providing services for institutional investors, such as a spot bitcoin ETF in Canada. With this new product, the firm would take a step closer to the retail investor group, which, according to conducted surveys, there is a growing interest in bitcoin.

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🥷🏼 Cypherpunk Ethic

Bitcoin SongSheet: Bitcoin Maximalism Is The Continuation Of The CypherPunk Ethic
By Jimmy Song

A long time ago, during a period of much uncertainty and speculation, a group of strangers decided to work together for the good of humanity and make progress in two subjects: the internet, and the science of cryptography.

One of the most important but also unnoticed communities of modern history was born in 1992 when the Cypherpunks emerged. This group of strangers composed of scientists, academics and tech-savvy individuals had the required foresight to realize how catastrophic a surveilled and centralized digital life would be for humanity. Therefore, Cypherpunks started to communicate over the internet to develop tools for the purpose of freedom, privacy and decentralization.

The history of cypherpunks is worth knowing. All their research, knowledge and work is a great contribution to humanity. Bitcoin is part of it and we Bitcoiners have a great responsibility to carry on their legacy.

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📰 The Daily Bits

1. Credit is needed to leverage trust, whereas bitcoin is a tool for trustlessness. Both credit and bitcoin will coexist during hyperbitcoinization.

2. CleanSpark saw record bitcoin production in October following recent investments in growth amid a battered mining market.

3. Silk Road showed people that bitcoin could be effectively used as a medium of exchange on an open marketplace.

4. Bitcoin represents the ultimate step forward in bringing clarity to the world through money grounded in physics and math.

5. The nature of open-source distributed systems leaves some vulnerabilities open to exploitation, but should bugs be exploited publicly or disclosed in private?
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🇺🇸 Lessons From Revolution:

What The Bitcoin Revolution Can Learn From The American Revolution
By Frank Nuessle

Up to the 1770s the American population was living within a boxed-in paradigm. They believed that the British Empire was too powerful to challenge and that they would be better off acquiescing to British rule. It was a mindset that took Samuel Adams and others over a decade to change. It was not until enough people in the Colonies were convinced that the British could be defeated that the American Revolution became possible.

Just as the American Revolution began with an idea, so did the Bitcoin revolution. The tale of Samuel Adams and the American Revolution shows that Bitcoiners can break through the world’s common perception of money. The Federal Reserve cartel’s government-controlled fiat money can be defeated. The Bitcoin ideology and a new way of looking at money, if spearheaded correctly, will make the revolution possible.  

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By Bitcoin Magazine

Interest rates went up, as expected, but people were looking forward to "dovish" signs which could signal an incoming pivot from the Federal Reserve. 

It seems that Powell didn't give that sign — but bitcoin is unfazed. With more than 66.4% of the supply continuing to be held in place over the last year, Bitcoiners stand strong for a purpose they believe in. 

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