Tu Salud News Update
¿Cómo Se Dice? California Loops In AI To Translate Health Care Information
Human translators work hard to keep up with language changes, but California plans to soon entrust that responsibility to technology.
FDA Authorizes Sale of Menthol E-cigarettes
“Authorizing the sale of any flavored e-cigarette…fails to protect young people from a lifetime of addiction,” says ACS CAN president.
Farmworkers Face High-Risk Exposures to Bird Flu, but Testing Isn’t Reaching Them
If a worker tests positive, they’d likely be instructed to go to a clinic then stay home from work. But many can’t afford to do either.
Rate of Americans With Poor Diets Decreased Since 1999
Dietary improvements were most notable among Latinos, women and people with higher levels of education.
Healthy Recipe: Quinoa With Roasted Ratatouille
As the seasons change, you can change up the roasted vegetables and herbs you use.
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