
Expert articles on cloud, software development, and AI

Infoworld First Look

March 18, 2024

Complexity bad: An interview with HTMX creator Carson Gross

How one computer science professor in Montana aims to supplant reactivity, compete with JavaScript, restore true REST, and make the web more developer-friendly. Read more ▶

Image: Open source comes to real-time metering

Open source comes to real-time metering

Is the complexity of billing better handled by buying software or building it? Lago offers developers a chance to get back to solving core business problems.

Open source is not insecure

Open source doesn’t have a security problem. It has a distribution problem.

New AI assistant threatens software engineering jobs

Devin has the ability to actively collaborate with users during software development. This includes providing real-time progress updates, accepting feedback, and working together to make design choices.

Image: Securing Azure Kubernetes with Falco

Securing Azure Kubernetes with Falco

The open-source cloud-native runtime security tool is now a graduated CNCF project. Is it time to use it in your Kubernetes applications?

JetBrains unveils Ktor roadmap

OpenTelemetry plugins, gRPC support, simplified dependency injection, and managed database transactions are coming to the Kotlin-based framework for building asynchronous applications.

Rust-based WinterJS web server reaches 1.0

‘Ridiculously fast’ JavaScript runtime from Wasmer supports Cloudflare apps and React Server Components and can be compiled to WebAssembly.

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