Greentech Media, the source that brings you daily news, market research, and industry events, invites you to take advantage of the following complimentary white papers, videos, reports, and more from across the Grid Edge in our Resource Center.
Greentech Media, the source that brings you daily news, market research, and industry events, invites you to take advantage of the following complimentary white papers, videos, reports, and more from across the Grid Edge in our Resource Center.
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Itron Resourcefulness Index 2016
In its largest study to date, Itron surveyed more than 2,000 combined utility executives and informed consumers in key markets around the globe to benchmark energy and water management. The insights gathered this year point to the growing importance of the utility industry’s role in leading the transformation in managing finite resources. Increasingly, utilities are turning to new technologies to reduce wasted energy and water. Energy utility executives indicated a desire to have an integrated system that includes gas, solar and wind renewables, which will drive the transformation and address their changing business model. Meanwhile, our survey revealed a growing dissatisfaction with the level of communication and control consumers expect from their utility. At the same time, the majority of utility executives noted that they are excelling in communicating with their customers.
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Distributed Energy Resources: Seizing Opportunities While Managing Distribution Grid Impacts
DERs offer substantial opportunities to shift utilities toward a more sustainable and resilient energy system. This can yield significant economic and environmental benefits for utilities and renewable developers. The challenge is to deploy DERs in ways that support the evolution of more flexible power grids.

This paper identifies many of the issues that can hinder or derail promising DER initiatives and explores strategies utilities and developers can use to ensure projects deliver their promised benefits.
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Cracking the Code to Grid Congestion
The Greensmith Energy white paper, Cracking the Code to Grid Congestion, addresses data management practices in the utility industry, identifying deficiencies that disrupt energy transmission and remedies that can vastly improve system performance. The modernization effort builds upon information technology solutions that have revolutionized other industries, such as passenger transportation and hospitality, as evidenced by the rise of companies like Uber and Airbnb. In this context, the emergence of energy storage is transformative, taking a system made for centralized power generation and one-way power flow and tapping unlimited potential for energy production and consumption on the network’s every node.
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Not Just Another App: How to Spur Digital Engagement in the Energy Industry
As energy providers work diligently to close the gap between existing capabilities and increasing customer expectations, a major challenge is meeting customers where they are - on mobile. Having different interfaces for billing, outage notifications, energy efficiency, demand management and call center inquiries creates a disjointed and complicated experience. How can energy providers capitalize on existing investments and programs while delivering consistent, simple interactions that today’s consumers have grown to expect?

Download the white paper to find out.
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Regulatory Foresight and the Next Generation Utility
Enhancing value amidst policy and technological uncertainty
The utility market and regulatory landscape is shifting, bringing new challenges and opportunities.

It is still being decided how utilities will be compensated in a future that is increasingly composed of distributed energy resources and more active participation of customers and third parties. However, regulators are increasingly pushing forward market and regulatory reforms in support of these outcomes, which aim to more equitably balance shareholder and customer value.

This report shows that regulatory foresight should be viewed as a strategy to embrace the future, thinking outside the box, and engage with regulators, customers and third-parties in new ways.
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Getting More Value from AMI
Moving beyond low-performing meter data management systems
Utilities around the world are finding themselves boxed in by low-performing, first-generation meter data management systems that simply cannot support the complex business opportunities enabled by smart grid technology. These utilities are asking a crucial question: how can we get more value from our smart grid investments? In this webcast we will discuss some of the major trends impacting AMI investments and hear from several utilities who chose to replace low-performing systems with Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management.

Speakers Include:
Mike Ballard
Senior Director, Industry Strategy,
Oracle Utilities

Charles King
Chief Information Officer,
Kansas City Power & Light
Hedi Ago
IT Director,
Orlando Utilities Commission

Paul Atkins
Lead Business Consultant,
Vector Advanced Metering Services
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Utility Security: Exceeding Mandates to Mitigate Risk
Security is more than just a regulatory-driven necessity for utilities; it has become a business imperative. Most utilities can no longer do business effectively or efficiently without internet of things (IoT) technology; and recent events in the Ukraine have shown that large-scale attacks against power grids can succeed. Beginning July 1, 2016, utilities must comply with NERC’s Critical Infrastructure Protection standard, v6, which features an expanded scope and emphasis on security, compared to previous NERC CIP regimes. Most U.S. utilities already enjoy a relatively high level of awareness and sophistication about cybersecurity, compared to other industries — but there are some common weak spots. To respond effectively to ever-shifting cyber threats and vulnerabilities, utilities must adopt a risk-based security approach that exceeds regulatory requirements. This paper recommends an integrated utility security program that encompasses physical and digital security technology, staffing and training, leadership support, cross-departmental collaboration and cross-sector coordination.
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