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Hi eMarketer Reader,

In the midst of stay-at-home orders due to the coronavirus pandemic, most consumers turned to mobile devices for news, entertainment, and social distancing-approved human connections. As a result, the average US adult’s smartphone usage in 2020 has increased 13.9%, according to eMarketer’s forecast.

While some trends are likely temporary, the pandemic is expected to have long-lasting effects on mobile usage for 2021 through 2023.

We invite you to download a complimentary copy of our analyst report, "US Mobile Time Spent: Lockdowns Augment Gains in Time Spent with Mobile Devices." In this report, you’ll learn how the pandemic has accelerated long-term mobile trends while reversing others and introducing new behaviors, including:

  • How mobile time spent has changed over the past year
  • Time spent by content type, plus apps vs. browsers
  • Digital video’s acceleration prior to and throughout the pandemic
  • How long behavioral trends are predicted to last, and what’s expected to be a permanent change

Receive my copy. This eMarketer Report is presented by InMobi.

eMarketer Editors
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