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News and Analysis on Global Meat Trading and Processing15-Apr-2020
Concerns over US meat supply chain following plant closures
A wave of US meat processing plant closures due to coronavirus has sparked concerns among the supply chain with financial losses predicted to be as high as $13.6bn.... Read more
Spanish pork companies prioritise worker and food safety
The Spanish pork industry has offered assurances that it will not compromise worker or food safety as it attempts to maintain production during the coronavirus situation.... Read more
Sausage processor wins retail contracts to prevent furloughs
UK food manufacturer British Premium Sausage Company has won new listings with two major supermarkets, resulting in 35 employees not having to be furloughed.... Read more
BMPA urges changes to Job Retention Scheme
The British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) has suggested a simple change to current Job Retention Scheme that it believes would save taxpayer money.... Read more
Coronavirus: Your one-stop blog for food industry updates
Bringing together trusted global food industry coverage from across our universe of B2B titles to provide rolling updates and breaking news on the implications of COVID-19 for the food sector.... Read more
View all news headlines for:    Jan     Feb     Mar
Foster Farms donates more than two million meals to food banks
US poultry processor Foster Farms is to provide more than two million meals to families affected by coronavirus.... Read more
Smithfield Foods pork facility closed ‘until further notice’ due to coronavirus
US processor Smithfield Foods has extended the coronavirus-led closure of its Sioux Falls pork facility in South Dakota ‘until further notice’.... Read more
‘They’re Gr-r-reat!’: Kellogg’s thanks those continuing to put breakfast on the table during the pandemic
Kellogg Company has produced a special advertisement to thank the people across the supply line who are bringing hope and a sense of normalcy during this difficult time.... Read more
Plant-based formula company Kate Farms secures $23m more in funding
Plant-based formula company Kate Farms has closed its $23m series A-1 financing round, bringing total raised to date to $48m.... Read more
Mice study: Green tea shows promise for food allergies
The consumption of green tea may help suppress the immune response which causes allergies, according to a new Japanese study in mice.... Read more
ASF being contained in Vietnam
The ASF outbreak in Vietnam is starting to be controlled, according to Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).... Read more
AHDB launches steak night campaign to combat drop in eating out
Brazil expands exports in eight markets during March
Avian influenza confirmed in the US
Australian red meat exports remain steady despite coronavirus
New Zealand cattle emissions lower than previously estimated
Webinar Case Study – Editorial Webinar
OxiKan – Unique natural antioxidants for meat applications
Traditional flavours, the new trend in burgers!
Versatile multi-functional natural solutions for marinades
Multifunctional clean label blend offering convenience to meat manufacturers
The unique natural anti-oxidant for meat applications
Microbiological safety of raw-fermented sausages
Heat and light stable, award-winning natural colours
Shelf life protection has now become cleaner & simpler
The secret ingredient that extends the shelf life of beverages naturally
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