In this issue, January 7, 2020 View it in your browser.

Condé Nast's Kubernetes Platform, ServiceMeshCon, Apple ServiceTalk, F# for WebAssembly, Elm, Airbnb's Dynein, Neurodiversity in Tech, Mapping the Evolution of Socio-Technical Systems

Start your year with a bang. Attend QCon London 2020.

Save time learning about new technologies, attend QCon London (March 2-6), the conference that teaches you what you don’t know but should as a software developer or team lead. Over 80 speakers are already confirmed. Don’t miss the £320 discount, early bird ends on January 25th.



Architecting Multi-Tenancy

Learn about Salesforce's multi-tenant architecture and how it differs from multi-user systems. Multi-tenancy offers unique challenges around job scheduling, resource contention, and ensuring secure isolation between users. Learn more in this podcast. Listen Now.

Katie Gamanji on Condé Nast’s Kubernetes Platform, Self-Service, and the Federation and Cluster APIs

In this podcast, Daniel Bryant sat down with Katie Gamanji, Cloud Platform engineer at Condé Nast International. Topics covered included: exploring the architecture of the Condé Nast Kubernetes-based platform; the importance of enabling self-service deployment for developers; and how the Kubernetes’ Federation API and Cluster API may enable more opportunities for platform automation. (Podcast)

Scott Duncan on Examining the Agile Manifesto

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Scott Duncan about his InfoQ book Understanding Agile Values & Principles: an Examination of the Agile Manifesto. (Podcast)

What trends will innovator and early adopter companies focus on in 2020?

Be the first one to learn what trends or technologies will be used by innovator and early adopter companies next year. InfoQ editors have created an information pack that will guide you through choosing the right ones.

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Uber Open-Sources Plug-and-Play Language Model for Controlling AI-Generated Text

Practical Change Data Streaming Use Cases with Apache Kafka & Debezium

Gunnar Morling discusses practical matters, best practices for running Debezium in production on and off Kubernetes, and the many use cases enabled by Kafka Connect's single message transformations. He talks about how to leverage CDC for reliable microservices integration, e.g. using the outbox pattern, as well as many other CDC applications (maintaining audit logs, driving streaming queries). (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon London, March 2-4, 2020. Join us!



Data Modeling in Apache Cassandra™

Get a detailed, straightforward, five-step approach to creating the right data model right out of the gate—from mapping workflows, to practicing query-first design thinking, to using Cassandra data types effectively.


  1. ServiceMeshCon 2019: Platform Plumbing, Debugging, and Custom Implementations

  2. Microsoft Introduces Power Virtual Agents, a No-Code Solution to Building AI Bots

Best Practices to Spring to Kubernetes Easier and Faster

Ray Tsang introduces tools -Jib, Skaffold- and best practices to adopt Kubernetes faster and easier. (Presentation)

Enterprise API Management: Q&A with Book Author Luis Weir

In the Enterprise API Management book, Luis Weir provides technology-agnostic strategies that organizations can implement to drive more predictable outcomes. The topics that Weir covers in this book include the Business Value of APIs, Business-Led API Strategy, API-Led Architectures, API-Architecture Styles, API Life Cycle and more. (Article)

Joy of Coding 2019: Lightning Talks

In this series of lighting talks the speakers cover a wide range of topics such as accessibility, TCR, OpenSCAD, progress in programming, JavaScript generators, etc. (Presentation)


  1. JakartaOne 2019: Livestream 7pm to 1am Summary

Apple Open Sources ServiceTalk to the Java Community

Apple has open-sourced ServiceTalk, a JVM network application framework that provides a common and extensible networking abstraction built on top of Netty. ServiceTalk was conceived to improve low-level abstractions provided by Netty such as threading and usability. The goal of open-sourcing ServiceTalk was to provide building blocks that would enable contributions from the Java community. (News)

Bolero Enables Writing F# Apps Running in WebAssembly Using Blazor

Bolero makes it possible to build WebAssembly apps in F#. Bolero leverages Blazor Microsoft technology, to enable running C# in the browser. (News)


  1. Building a Custom React Renderer - Sophie Alpert at ReactConf 2019

  2. New Elm Release Helps Developers Learn Syntax

  3. Reasons to Use ReasonML - Anton Tuzhik at ReactiveConf 2019

  4. CSS Architecture for Component-Based Applications

Solandra, a TypeScript-First Algorithmic Art Framework

Solandra is an open-source TypeScript-first framework for creating algorithmic art. Leveraging HTML Canvas, Solandra provides a rapid development framework for creating art. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Dynein – an Asynchronous Background Job Service from Airbnb

How Gitlab Scaled Git Access with Go and What We Gained From It

Oswaldo Ferreira discusses the history of how GitLab switched from a Rails monolith to using Feature flags, Protocol Buffers, gRPC and Go. (Presentation)

Building Better Monoliths: Implementing Modulithic Applications with Spring

Oliver Drotbohm identifies the common issues in unstructured monoliths and discusses approaches to package design, component structure, transactions, and the usage of events. (Presentation)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Scaling Infrastructure as Code at Challenger Bank N26

Q&A on the Book EDGE: Value-Driven Digital Transformation

In the book EDGE: Value-driven Digital Transformation, the authors explain why and how every business today needs to become a digital business with technology at the core. They explain six principles and a variety of practices that organisations can apply to survive and thrive on the creative edge where value is generated. (Article)

Candy Crush QA AI Saga

To be able to improve features in games which are constantly evolving, the challenge will be to scale tests to be on a par with new feature development. Automated tests are vital for King to keep up testing Candy Crush, therefore they are constantly looking for new improved ways to test. (Article)

Lessons Learned Scrum Mastering Distributed Teams

Antonio Cobo shares lessons learned as a Scrum Master of distributed teams over the last three years. (Presentation)



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Get rewarded for sharing your knowledge with others while growing your career. Join our Game Changers Program and earn great rewards including swag, conference passes, software, and electronics!

Sustained Changes in Large Organizations - Examples from Three Huge Transformations

Gordon Weir shares experiences from three LeSS Huge transformations. (Presentation)

Security Culture: Why You Need One and How to Create It

Masha Sedova talks about how to measure an organization's current security culture and how to define where to go. She looks into techniques and cases studies of how to begin to shape an organization’s security culture to become more resilient and enable people-powered security. (Presentation with transcript included)

Optimizing Yourself: Neurodiversity in Tech

Elizabeth Schneider talks about the issues she has faced as an autistic individual in the industry. She also talks about ways that we can help others in the industry. (Presentation with transcript included)

Holistic EdTech & Diversity

Antoine Patton believes we need people who are experiencing life-altering problems (health, poverty, etc.) to help solve problems. There needs to be a conscious effort to provide them with the tools and education needed to solve their own problems. Patton discusses how he is leveraging his unique experiences to help solve the problems of people with similar experiences. (Presentation with transcript included)

Mapping the Evolution of Socio-Technical Systems

Cat Swetel uses Wardley Maps to examine the evolution of computing and explores potential futures. Wardley Maps are increasingly becoming a key practice in a lean thinker’s toolbox. The Wardley Mapping practice can be used to examine trends and options in context rather than falling victim to the tempting allure of buzzwords. (Presentation with transcript included)