Congratulations to Our Winning Teams!

We are thrilled to announce our ten Eco-Grant winning student teams. For the past nine months, Grades of Green's RISE students have amazed and inspired us by leading powerful climate action and advocating for the environment in their communities across the world.

Let’s celebrate the next generation of environmental leaders!

2022-2023 RISE Eco-Grant Winners
Fueled by LAcarGUY
Thanks to the generosity of our sponsor, LAcarGUY, we are able to award TWO $1,000 Grand Prizes and EIGHT additional awards to these passionate Grades of Green student teams.

Environmental Impact Grand Prize

Mary Bragg Green Team
Cerritos, California
The students at Mary Bragg Elementary School took on the ambitious feat of addressing multiple topics of the Climate Solutions Campaign. They managed sorting stations on their school campus, planted trees, held an E-Waste drive, encouraged alternative forms of transportation, participated in beach clean ups, and raised money for students in Africa. Mary Bragg also worked with a school in Nigeria, JSS Tudunwada, to learn more about their culture while fundraising money to beautify their community. They also were the recipients of the EPA Presidential Environmental Youth Award and the California Green Ribbon School Award.

LAcarGUY International Changemaker Award

Matungu Community Development Charity
Nairobi, Kenya
Addressing large-scale issues of waste in their community, Team MCDC reduced 5,000 kgs of waste from the environment and educated students in local schools and across social media platforms. This ambitious team established 4 micro-gardens with the ability to feed up to 200 people monthly, while planting 3,000 trees. Team MCDC also furthered their efforts by processing 5,000 kgs of organic fertilizer, which were used to plant crops and indigenous trees.
Green Campus Leaders - $500
Pear Tree Foundation

La Crescenta, California

This enthusiastic team set up composting stations across 3 elementary schools, in addition to their own campus. They also created an animated video to educate viewers on composting on school campuses.
Habitat Heroes Award - $500
Kishoka Youth Organization
Mombasa, Kenya
The Kishoka Team educated their community on the impacts of climate change. They planted 2,500 mangrove trees and collected waste, which they reused to construct buildings in their community.
Community Rubbish Reducers - $500
Malezi Community Center

Nairobi, Kenya
The Malezi Community Center educated over 1,800 students amongst 4 different schools about the effects of waste. This passionate team constructed two waste holding locations in their community, collected over 25,000 kgs of waste, and planted 120 trees.
Green Thumb Award - $500
Agoura High School
Agoura Hills, California
The Agoura High School team educated over 3,000 students about regenerative gardening and built an edible garden on their campus. They connected with local farmers to promote organic and regenerative farming methods while raising $100 for the Kiss the Ground organization.
Eco-Influencer Award - $250
Team University of Buea
Buea, Cameroon

Team University of Buea recovered 4.5 kgs of waste and educated their community members on the impacts of waste. Through appearances on national television, this driven team reached audiences of over 30,000 people. 
Hydration Heroes Award - $250
Nathaniel Hawthorne Middle School
Bayside, New York
The students at Nathaniel Hawthorne Middle School purchased reusable water bottles for over 1,300 students and staff while educating their community on plastic waste. In addition, they raised $300 for solar lights for students in Africa.
Planet Protector Award - $250
For the Love of Frogs

Carlsbad, California
Justin S. has worked diligently to save acres of the Ecuadorian rainforest by participating in the Reserva letter campaign. He has collected over 1,500 letters and held a Raffle for the Rainforest that encouraged his classmates to join his mission. 
Rookie of the Year - $250
Akili STEMarts Academy
Kisumu, Kenya
The students at Akili STEMarts Academy learned vertical gardening methods to build gardens at their homes and school. This ambitious team used composting to reduce waste in their community while improving soil quality and crop yields.

Learn More About the Eco-Grant Winning Teams

Honoree Awards

In addition to our Eco-Grants, we're excited to announce our honoree awards that recognize the following outstanding students and adult facilitators.

Eco-Leader of the Year 
Cordelia from Pear Tree Foundation
La Crescenta, California

International Eco-Leader of the Year
Marie from Team IRIC
Yaounde, Cameroon

Adult Team Facilitator of the Year
Kerry Flores from Mary Bragg Green Team
Cerritos, California

International Adult Team Facilitator of the Year
Dhanam from PSGR Krishnammel Nursery and Primary School
Coimbatore, India
A big thank you to our sponsors for their continued support of our students. Because of them, we can continue to offer our programs for free to our students, schools and districts.

Help us Continue to Provide Eco-Grants

Every year, we provide Eco-Grants to our top-performing students to help expand the reach of their environmental efforts. These funds not only multiply our students' impact exponentially but also serve as a powerful incentive and teach students that their hard work is worthy of recognition and support.
Help us to continue awarding student Eco-Grants by donating to Grades of Green today!
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