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August 4, 2022
Congress May Actually Step Up to Block the Next Coup Attempt
Could the Senate—gasp!—actually pass legislation to reform the obscure law that nearly enabled Trump's plot to overturn the 2020 election?
by Grace Segers
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Why can’t Democrats deliver the steep tax increases on corporations and the rich that voters demand?
by Timothy Noah
The right-wing legal movement’s latest dangerous idea is “independent state legislature theory,” and the high court’s conservative bloc just might dream it into existence.
by Matt Ford
The Manchin climate compromise continues the worrisome trend of treating oil and gas infrastructure as a security necessity—even though they endanger more than they protect.
by Alleen Brown
Daisy Pitkin’s memoir “On the Line” documents acts of heroism and solidarity, as well as the grueling personal toll of a life in organizing.
by Micah Uetricht
From the archives:
Orlando, Florida, has become the epicenter of America’s housing crisis
by Max Holleran


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