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Plus, the growing moral rot in the legal community, and more...
December 8, 2020
Congress’s Theater of Compromise and the Death of Covid Relief

The hopes of saving ordinary Americans from the pandemic’s economic ravages are drowning in a sea of “bipartisanship.”

By Osita Nwanevu


Neal Katyal and the Depravity of Big Law The Democratic lawyer’s sickening defense of corporate immunity in a Supreme Court case reveals a growing moral rot in the legal community.
By Alex Pareene
North Carolina’s Labor Commissioner Abandons Workers One Last Time on Her Way Out the Door In response to calls for more regulation, Cherie Berry wrote that Covid-19 was not “proven likely to cause death or serious physical harm from the perspective of an occupational hazard.”
By Nick Martin


Beyond the Great AwokeningReassessing the legacies of past black organizing
By Adolph Reed Jr.
Why Harriet the Spy Had to LieAn elaborate secret life was a necessity for children’s author Louise Fitzhugh.
By Jennifer Wilson


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