InformationWeek Data
Running Data Science in IT; Scaling AI Programs; Considering Warning Labels for AI

InformationWeek Data Analytics
March 06, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Congressional Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Data Privacy Policy
Witnesses offered up varied perspectives on how national policy on data privacy might affect individual rights and innovation.

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Can IT Run a Data Science Function?

Some companies opt to place the data science group in IT -- but data scientists approach data and results differently. Can IT adjust?
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Scaling AI Programs Means Playing the Long Game — and the Short Game

Across departments and functions, identifying the right short-term and long-term artificial intelligence use cases creates an ROI advantage.
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What Just Broke?: Should AI Come with Warning Labels?

AI still has a lot to learn, but does the zeal to explore its possibilities overshadow its encoded flaws to the detriment of an unaware public?
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  • Seeking Cost Efficiency in Public Cloud

    Cloud computing requires capital, but it does not have to break the bank. Adapting to new, ongoing cost structures associated with cloud computing services requires IT leaders to look beyond upfront costs. Over time, organizations can find savings and improve ...

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Looking at the Dole Cyberattack and the Future of Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity
Ransomware shut down the produce company’s North American operations, leading to a salad shortage. Other critical infrastructure operations face the same kinds of attacks and an evolving threat landscape. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
February 2023 Global Tech Policy Bulletin: From Terrorists on YouTube to the Chips Act and Its Discontents
Grumbling in line for semiconductor investments; social media at the Supreme Court; Starlink in time of war; Pentagon investing in tech; crypto at the European Parliament; AI failing at poetry; and more. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Hardest IT Jobs to Fill
If you’re an IT leader or tech manager struggling to hire for one of these positions, you’re not alone. If you’re an IT professional with experience in these roles, you’re in luck. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Edge Computing Eats the Cloud?
Edge computing was previously pegged as edgy. Now it’s ubiquitous. Here’s why -- and where it’s taking a big chomp out of cloud’s lofty turf. Read More
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