Session Date: March 17, 2016 Starting Time: 1pm Eastern Duration: 90 minutes Price: $89.99 | | About the critique:
All registrants are invited to submit their revised synopsis. All submitted synopses are guaranteed a written critique by literary agent Nephele Tempest. Nephele reserves the right to request to see a partial or full manuscript by e-mail, if the project interests her. | About the webinar:
A strong, compelling synopsis serves as a vital sales tool at every stage of your career. Whether you are a new writer starting to submit to agents or a multi-published author proposing a project to your editor, you need to be able to write a synopsis that meets your needs. That means not only writing an interesting synopsis that shows off your project to its best advantage, but tailoring it to suit different purposes. A synopsis written from a completed manuscript differs from one written as part of a proposal.
This live webinar presented by literary agent, Nephele Tempest will show you how to tackle the task head on, and to generate the right synopsis for your project - and your audience. Shake off your fear and frustration and master the art of writing the synopsis. | What you'll learn:
• | Break down your plot into manageable parts | • | Emphasize the most important details of your project | • | Build interest in your story while remaining concise | • | Maintain a tone consistent with your manuscript | • | Produce a synopsis for a project that is incomplete | • | HAdapt the length of your synopsis depending on its intended use |
| | Please Note: Even if you can't attend the live webinar, registering for this live version will enable you to receive the On Demand webinar and a personal critique of your material. Purchasing the On Demand version after the live event will not include a critique. |
| Who should attend:
• | Writers who have no idea how to start writing a synopsis | • | Writers whose existing synopsis sounds dull and lifeless in comparison to their novel | • | Writers who cannot find a way to cut their synopsis down to an appropriate length | • | Writers who cannot get past the query stage when submitting to agents | • | Writers interested in selling work based on several opening chapters and a synopsis |
| Instructor:
Nephele Tempest joined The Knight Agency in January 2005, opening the Los Angeles office. She comes from a diverse publishing and finance background, having worked in the editorial department at Simon and Schuster, as a financial advisor at Dean Witter, in the marketing and communications departments of several major New York investment firms, and as a freelance writer. | Upcoming Webinars | Do Your e-Book Right (and Start Making Money)
March 24, 2016 at 1pm Eastern Now Just: $89.99
Register Now! | The ABCs of Writing the Picture Book that Agents are Looking For
March 29, 2016 at 1pm Eastern Now Just: $89.99
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