14,292 people have taken this course

Every parent desires a close and connected relationship with their children. Despite their greatest desire and intentions, this relationship is often rife with anxiety, conflict and stress. Instead of this relationship being joyful and empowered, it ends up being embittered and complex. Despite their parent's best intentions, children often grow up feeling misunderstood and invalidated. This disconnect is heartbreaking for parents who seem to want nothing more than the closest bond with their offspring.

There is a way to transform your relationship with your child and other intimate others from disconnection to the greatest connection. It requires a new perspective and way of engaging; a path of self-awakening and consciousness.

Build deep and empowered connections with your children

In this course you will guided on a path that details the common causes of stress and anxiety and ways to transform these to greater empowerment for all involved. Oprah has called Dr. Shefali's approach revolutionary because she offers a new perspective for parents allowing them to release their fears and need to control. After all, nothing has a more toxic effect on our children than the projection of our own needs, control and anxieties. Dr. Shefali shows parents how to extinguish their commonly-placed fears and transform them into tools for greater connection and liberation.

You will learn how to:
  • Disengage from conflict and control and instead connect and bond
  • Handle temper tantrums and teenage outbursts from a place of center and strength
  • Help yourself and your child deal with fears and anxieties
  • Reframe what it means for you and your child to be happy and successful
  • Understand how to approach your child when they are in conflict and meet their inner emotional needs
  • Pave a path for more effective communication during times of stress
Understanding how and why our children trigger us allows us to make positive changes in both our lives. This course will teach parents how to disentangle from negative interactions with their children and enter a partnership of greatest spiritual and emotional connection with them.

Actual Participants Share Their Experience
"Dr. Shefali's courses lifted weights off my shoulders that had been there for quite some time. I learned how to: be still rather than react, I learned how to be in the "as is" and how to not fight the current situation - which has helped me in the roller coaster of my business. I also learned how to set good boundaries, how to not impose my wants on others - and how to honor people and their respective journeys. All of what I have learned has already helped me exist more peacefully as a woman, wife and mother. The course was transformation and I know it will continue to be as I evolve as a spiritual being. I was blown away by Dr. Shefali's involvement and devotion to the course, and us, her students. She was generous with her time and wisdom via email, the webinars, and Facebook - and I'm excited for the opportunity to keep learning from her!" -Catia H.

"Dr Shefali course was what every parent, family of the century needs . It gave deep insights, shares wisdom and awakening of conscious parenting which was a blessing . For joyous connected parenting and a peaceful self, this course is a must. Love you Dr Shefali and thanks for all your wisdom." -Nitu

"In eight weeks my life was amazingly transformed! I learned so many valuable things, among them how to parent my Inner Child. This in itself was totally life changing for me. I learned where my belief systems came from, why I was feeling the way I was, and how to nurture my Inner Child. I experienced an increased awareness into my behaviours. The daily exercises were incredibly powerful, reaching to the very core of my being. This exceeded any expectations that I had. I knew that working on myself would have an affect on my family, my relationships, and my life, but the depth of the work, and the life changes that happened, were more than I could have ever imagined. I am so grateful for Dr.Shefali's teachings, wisdom, and compassion. I have taken courses before and read many books, but Dr.Shefali has a unique way of teaching and helping that really works. I love the way she mixes Eastern Teachings with Psychology. I am so grateful for Dr.Shefali and these courses she has given!" -Jean B.

Actual Participants Share Their Experience

Oprah has hailed Dr. Shefali's work as "revolutionary." A NYT bestselling author of two groundbreaking books on parenting, Dr. Shefali brings a fresh perspective to the parenting landscape, challenging the current paradigm it is steeped in and turning it on its head. Provocative, daring and evocative, her approach teaches parents how to raise themselves - first - into the most empowered and conscious before they hope to raise their children. Dr. Shefali believes that parents need to learn to heal their own emotional baggage and raise themselves into an elevated state of awareness before they raise their children. Eliminating archaic ideals of control and punishment, she teaches parents the value of true connection over correction. Integrating Eastern mindfulness with Western psychology, Dr. Shefali brings a unique and fresh approach to her work, allowing parents to evolve and transcend their own limitations and sense of lack. Her work has been called profound and life-changing.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 8 weeks (total of 56 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 56 lessons