Plus, our promise to the Afghan allies we left behind, and more…
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March 16, 2023
How Congress—Including Way Too Many Democrats—Created This Banking Crisis
Of course Republicans are in the banks’ pockets. But so are many Democrats. And what’s up with Barney Frank?
by Timothy Noah
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Regretful Republicans want to move on from Trump and his preferred MAGA candidates. They haven't convinced their base to go along.
by Alex Shephard
A plan to save the high court from its own excesses—with bipartisan buy-in—is gathering steam. Here are the next steps to build on the unexpected momentum.
by Simon Lazarus
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Many of those who assisted the military during its ten year war remain trapped in Afghanistan—with only a backlogged special immigration visa program as a recourse.
by Grace Segers
Valparaiso University’s student body is shrinking and its dormitories are aging. But is selling the campus museum’s most famous artwork the right solution to the problem?
by David Masciotra
How a right-wing mania is destroying the social fabric of communities across America
by Melissa Gira Grant

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