NWC Update
Network Computing
August 03, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Considering Private 5G? Here’s What You Need to Know
Has private 5G wireless stood up to the hype? In this Tech Insight Report, we break down the major pros and cons for enterprises considering a private 5G network.

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Unleash the Power of Open Source: The SONiC Revolution
The complexity of the modern IT infrastructure seems ever-growing. Closed, proprietary networks are just not agile enough to keep pace. Meet SONiC.
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2023 IT Pay Holds Steady Despite Economic Pressures and AI Boom
2022 was a boon year for IT salaries. 2023 came in like a beast with layoffs, raise freezes, and ChatGPT, but that beast has few teeth.
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The Machines Behind the FinOps Curtain: Operationalizing Your Strategy with AI
FinOps is incredibly complex in multi-cloud environments. Increasingly, enterprises are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) for help.
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  • Defend Your Business against New ChatGPT-Enhanced Cyberthreats

    The volume and sophistication of cyberthreats like ransomware have been steadily rising for years. That was before the latest generative AI tools like ChatGPT came along to give veteran cybercriminals a new edge while enabling millions of unskilled criminal novices ...

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CXL: A New Memory High-Speed Interconnect Fabric
CXL enables the disaggregation of memory from compute, which can dramatically improve the performance of data-intensive workloads. Read More
Network Cloudification Key to CSP Energy Savings
Network operators seeking energy savings must apply a sustainability perspective at the design phase and support that with automatic network function optimization and orchestration. Read More
Avoiding Perils with Using Gray Routes for A2P Messaging
Still used to cut costs, Gray routing of SMS messages opens enterprises to security, legal, and brand damage risks. Read More
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