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Hi John,

Consumer groups Financial Rights Legal Centre, Consumer Action Law Centre and Financial Counselling Australia have called for a “radical” overhaul of privacy laws they say will provide greater protections for consumers to counterbalance the “increased use and exploitation of big data by business and industry”.

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Prominent online retailer Kogan ran false and misleading promotions, according to the Federal Court.

Cyber warfare is a growth industry across the Middle East. While the USA’s plans for the sale of 50 advanced fighter jets to the United Arab Emirates has sparked fears of a conventional arms race, the contest for cyber superiority has already begun.

Shopping cashback rewards provider Cashrewards has appointed former Attaché Software executive David Norris as its Chief Technology Officer.

The boffins at Google know many things, but one of the lessons in life they have failed to grasp is that one should learn to acknowledge defeat gracefully.

Google and Facebook’s voluntary disinformation code doesn’t offer Australians any real protections from the effects of “dangerous and false information” online, according to a claim by Reset Australia. 

The Indian Government is cracking down on social media users in the predominantly-Muslim state of Jammu and Kashmir, confiscating phones used for transmitting messages that are critical of the government.

Awarded yet again for “outstanding technology innovation in Workflow and Content Automation (WCA)”, the award “recognises visionary software vendors for leveraging technology to not only adapt as markets change, but to actively disrupt and inform how their markets will evolve.”

The Federal Department of Treasury can now accept invoices from its suppliers through a digital channel, with an e-invoicing solution having gone live on Friday.
And of course, there's plenty more this afternoon, so for all the news visit www.itwire.com.

Have a great evening! :-)

Alex Zaharov-Reutt, Newsletter Editor, iTWire




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