What the majority of Americans are willing to put down on a home. View email in a browser.
National Association of REALTORS(R) - REALTOR(R) Magazine
September 29, 2017
Today's Headlines
Consumers Say This Is the Ideal Down Payment
Find out what the majority of Americans are willing to put down on a home, according to a new survey.
7 Steps for Protecting Clients From Disasters
Major natural disasters have made headlines recently, and your clients may be considering taking extra precautions to protect their homes. Pass these tips along to them.
FROM “SECRET AGENT EXPIRED-CHASERS” TO MULTI-MILLIONAIRE BUSINESS OWNERS - “We were ‘secret agents’ as we didn‘t know how to market ourselves effectively. The next step we took changed our world. Leads started >> cont’d
8 Exterior Renovations to Boost a Home’s Value
These outdoor remodeling projects offer homeowners the biggest payback at resale.
Real estate agents - Do you want more seller leads? Download our free ebook to learn how to use Facebook to attract more home sellers and win more listings.
Mortgage Rates Stuck in Holding Pattern
The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage barely budged this week, staying well below the 4 percent mark.
New Tools Help Market Homes’ ‘Transit Score’
Here are some ways you can highlight your listing’s proximity to public transportation as a selling point to buyers.
TORCHx is the premium digital marketing platform designed to engage qualified real estate leads and never let them fall through the cracks. Request a demo today to learn more.
Buyers Remain Positive Despite Low Inventory
Prospective homeowners are optimistic about the market and are committed to finding their ideal home, a new survey finds.
Real Estate Pros’ Most Embarrassing Mishaps
Whether you’re new to the business or a seasoned veteran, everyone makes mistakes. Read about some hilarious ones from practitioners across the country—and share your own.
Vote for your favorite Good Neighbor finalist to win up to $2,500 in bonus grant money for their nonprofit.
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Client Communications Aren’t One-Size-Fits-All
Working with people from diverse backgrounds means adapting your style to their needs.
Basics of a Must-Read Real Estate Newsletter
Avoid the fake news trap by creating content that’s compelling and emotional—but also sticks to the facts your clients need.