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Good morning, Marketer, thank you for paying closer attention to my purchases and intent.

As a business journalist who’s reported on brand news for many years, I can say that digital targeting has finally turned a corner.

It used to be that any time I researched a brand I was reporting on, I’d get ads from them for months and months. Analytics and insights on intent have finally gotten granular enough to rule out the case of the B2B news editor. Well done! 

But when I’m watching Sunday news shows over OTT and reading a book on my couch, can you please block that Slack commercial with the unannounced Slack notification sound that gets me instinctively leaping to my laptop like it’s a Thursday afternoon and I’m on deadline?

Thanks in advance.

Chris Wood,


DoubleVerify launches contextual tool for publishers

DoubleVerify, the platform known for supporting ad viewability and brand safety and combating ad fraud, launched Custom Contextual targeting for its DV Publisher Suite this week. With the demise of cookies, more precise contextual advertising is one way to reach relevant audiences without infringing on privacy.

Going beyond keyword analysis, Custom Contextual will lean on DoubleVerify’s Semantic Science engine, which categorizes content into some 200,000 concepts. The solution is expected to help publishers monetize their inventory by offering highly relevant topics to specific advertisers.

The Semantic Science ontology includes seasonal categories like Halloween, as well as in-market categories. For example, it can identify content, the consumption of which is consistent with purchase intent — such as reviews.

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Why automation is the future of lead management (and RevOps)

Delays in your revenue processes, especially in lead follow-up, decimate funnels. Slow lead processing makes it 7x less likely you’ll ever qualify your leads. Most RevOps pros understand this, but lead management is a deceptively complex set of processes, oftentimes built on the back of a house of cards.



How identity resolution helps you know your audience

The advent of privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA has changed the way digital marketers operate. The postponed but still imminent deprecation of third-party cookies by Chrome, the concentration of big tech players, and the inadequacy of data from many channels are leading many marketers to adopt identity resolution platforms.

“It’s really difficult, if not impossible, to understand the consumer journey by just looking at mobile app IDs or cookies,” said Hugo Loriot, Partner at data science company fifty-five, in his recent Martech presentation. “You really need to stitch together different forms of identifiers to understand what people are exposed to, but you also need to be able to connect that kind of data with what happens offline.”

Knowing your audience is fundamental to any marketing endeavor, which can be difficult without access to both online and offline data. Identity resolution is one way to support effective marketing campaigns while respecting consumer privacy.

Here are some of the main functions of identity resolution and their benefits for modern marketers.

Read more here.


Webinar: Nothing Is Wrong With Your ABM Strategy, But Your Execution Fails

The verdict is in: Sales and Marketing are aligned on ABM strategy but are falling short on execution. While 96% of Sales and Marketing leaders agree that personalized communications to prospects are the most effective, the majority agree that feasibility is a major challenge to personalization at scale. Stop missing opportunities! It’s time you got the most out of your investments in ABM. Join this webinar to learn the findings of new research from Renegade and Conversica and explore practical tips for executing lead outreach like a champ.

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What defines customer journey analytics?

Customer journey analytics software lets marketers connect real-time data points from across channels, touchpoints and systems, allowing users to gain insights into the customer journey over time. This allows marketers to explore the customer journey using data.

Businesses today understand they need to be customer-focused in their marketing as well as in all of their other operations. To ensure that customers and prospects have the ideal interactions with their brands at every touchpoint, marketers first need in-depth information about the journey buyers currently navigate on their way to making a purchase, as well as how they interact post-purchase.

The phrase “customer journey” has been a part of the digital marketing dialogue for years, which may contribute to the lack of clarity around what exactly customer journey analytics is, and what it isn’t. The following core areas have emerged as critical to getting an actionable picture of the customer journey:

  • A customer-focused, outside-in — from the customer’s point of view — approach, rather than a product-, department- or company-led approach;
  • A viewpoint that starts with acquisition but spans the ownership and advocacy aspects of
    the customer journey;
  • Data from all channels, including in-store interactions and phone calls, as well as from all
    business units;
  • Real-time, or close to real-time, data; and
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning applied to analyzing the customer journey and delivering insights on the next best action.

Read more here.


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Privacy matters: Marketoon of the Week

Fishburne’s take: “We value your privacy” is one of those meaningless marketing phrases, like “your call is very important to us” or “we’re all in this together,” where actions speak louder than words. A Deloitte survey found that 91% of US consumers consent to terms of service without reading them. For younger consumers 18-35, this was even higher, at 97%.

Why we care. Because not every customer has a law degree, they may not be able to keep up with every way that a given brand is acting in compliance with local regulations. Therefore, in addition to all the fine print that your customer hasn’t read through and memorized, marketers should understand and define what the customer’s expectations are regarding privacy and relevant messaging. If you don’t meet the customer’s terms, legal or otherwise, they are likely to drop you.

Read more here.