In this issue, March 7, 2017View it in your browser.

Continuous Delivery at Slack, Java GC, Testing, Jetbrains Rider, TypeScript 2.2, Node 7.6, Swift, Blockchain, Distributed Development, TensorFlow 1.0, AWS S3

QCon New York returns in 2017 in Times Square

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Dear Reader,

In our podcast this week, Shane Hastie speaks to Michael Lopp, VP of Engineering at Slack, about intentional culture and continuous delivery.

Aleksey Shipilëv, performance and OpenJDK developer at RedHat, has filed a new JEP draft to create a no-op garbage collector; that is, a GC that doesn't actually reclaim memory.  Abraham Marín Pérez writes “This collector is aimed at aiding JVM implementers and researchers and, to a lesser extent but perhaps more interesting for the public, ultra-performant applications that generate little to no garbage.

EAP18 of JetBrains' Rider features the return of .NET Core debugging support for Windows platforms. The previous preview of Rider saw this support removed in order to comply with the licensing terms of a subcomponent. An otherwise small release, EAP18 is crucial for .NET Core developers.

Microsoft has released version 2.2 of the TypeScript language, which focuses on a new object type and improved developer productivity.

Node.js 7.6 has shipped with official support for async/await enabled by default and better performance on low-memory devices.

According to Chris Lattner, Swift creator and Swift team lead before moving to Tesla, defining a Rust/Cyclone-inspired memory ownership model is one of the main goals for Swift 4. Now that Swift 4 has entered its phase 2, the Swift team has published a manifesto detailing how Swift memory ownership could work.

Google recently announced TensorFlow version 1.0. The Python API is now stable and experimental APIs for Java and Go have been added. XLA, the new domain-specific compiler delivers 7.3x performance increase in 8 GPUs setup and 58x for 64 GPUs for Inception-v3 neural network model.

At the recent World Government Summit, Hexayurt Capital and ConsenSys released a paper called “Building the Hyperconnected Future on Blockchains”. The purpose of the paper was to provide an Internet of Agreements (IoA) strategy for the next wave of innovation in order to drive Globalization 2.0.

Amazon has blamed the outage of its S3 web service, which took down many different sites, services and devices across the internet, on a typo.

Michael Lopp on Implementing Continuous Delivery

In our podcast this week Shane Hastie speaks to Michael Lopp, VP of Engineering at Slack, about intentional culture and continuous delivery.

Data Science Latest Content


Data Preprocessing vs. Data Wrangling in Machine Learning Projects

This article compares different alternative techniques to prepare data, including extract-transform-load (ETL) batch processing, streaming ingestion and data wrangling. The article also discusses how this is related to visual analytics, and best practices for how different user roles such as the Data Scientist or Business Analyst should work together to build analytic models. (Article)

Article Series: An Introduction to Machine Learning

In this series, we give an introduction to some powerful but generally applicable techniques in machine learning. These include deep learning but also more traditional methods that are often all the modern business needs. After reading the articles in the series, you should have the knowledge necessary to embark on concrete machine learning experiments in a variety of areas on your own. (Article)

DevOps Latest Content


Common Reasons for Failed Kubernetes Deployments

A recent series of articles highlighted the 10 common reasons for failed Kubernetes deployments. These range from missing and incorrect inputs to exceeding resource limits. In most cases, the kubectl describe command can help to pinpoint the underlying reason. (News)



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Culture & Methods Latest Content

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

Q&A on Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS

The book More with LeSS by Craig Larman and Bas Vodde provides practices to create simpler and more flexible organizations, applying Scrum with many teams working on one product. More with LeSS is the third book on LeSS (see books on LeSS); it's the most concrete and fundamental book to start learning about LeSS. The book also contains insights on experiences with LeSS adoptions. (Article)

Developing Quality Software: Differentiating Factors

The level of software quality attainable is a reflection of an organizational business decision. There are many factors that influence this decision, including development, build and testing environments effectiveness, resources and their associated skillset, integrity, motivations and experience levels, commercial agreements, and adopted processes and productivity tools. (Article)

Creating a Kaizen Culture for the Food Bank of New York City

Margarette Purvis shares Food Bank’s kaizen journey of rethinking and improving operations by implementing small incremental improvements across the organization. (Presentation)

Remote Working in an Agile World

Raji Bhamidipati discusses working remotely and the changes needed to be made by the remote worker, the company and the colleagues who work in the office to make it work. (Presentation)

Building a Debugging Mindset

Devon H O'Dell discusses how perceptions about one's own abilities influence goals and behaviors, and how to improve abilities and help others do the same starting with a simple shift in thinking. (Presentation)

Social Coding for Effective Teams and Products

Phil Haack discusses the secret ingredient to great teams and products, usually misnamed "soft" skills, and how they help teams be more effective, backing all of it with hard data. (Presentation)

Java Latest Content


Testing RxJava2

You are ready to explore reactive opportunities in your code but you are wondering how to test out the reactive idiom in your codebase. In this article Java Champion Andres Almiray provides techniques and tools for testing RxJava2. (Article)

Speedup Your Java Apps with Hardware Counters

Sergey Kuksenko discusses how Performance Monitoring Unit works, what Hardware Counters are, which tools have friendship with Java and how to use HWC for speeding up our Java applications. (Presentation)

Development Latest Content


Untangling an API-First Transformation at Scale. Lessons Learnt at PayPal - Part 3

This is the third in a three-part series that explores how PayPal has adopted a more API-first approach to building platform services. In this article, well take a closer look at the program aspects and some of the execution and operational challenges that had to be overcome. (Article)

Better Tests, Less Code: Property-Based Testing

Matt Bachmann presents a few patterns meant to inspire developers to get started with Property-based Testing. (Presentation)



How to Create and Consume your First Predictive Model - Predictive modeling is a powerful way to add intelligence to your application. This tutorial shows you how to create a predictive model in R and operationalize it with SQL Server 2016. Learn More.

Mobile Latest Content


Processing Streaming Human Trajectories with WSO2 CEP

Extracting useful information from an inaccurate data stream is a significant issue in data stream processing for IoT applications. This article describes the use of Kalman filters to smooth human trajectory information gathered from an iBeacon sensor network and demonstrates its effectiveness. The solution has been built with WSO2 CEP, a complex event processing middleware. (Article)

Dynamic Languages Latest Content

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

Node 7.6 Brings Default Async/Await Support

Node.js 7.6 has shipped with official support for async/await enabled by default and better performance on low-memory devices. (News)

.NET Latest Content


.NET Core Debugging Support Returns to Rider IDE

EAP18 of JetBrains' Rider features the return of .NET Core debugging support for Windows platforms. The previous preview of Rider saw this support removed in order to comply with the licensing terms of a subcomponent. An otherwise small release, EAP18 is crucial for .NET Core developers. (News)

Watch a top selection of presentations by our editors.

Learn more about Microservices at Uber, Architectures at Stripe, API or take a minute to enjoy a classic “Simple Made Easy”. (Presentation)

Architecture & Design Latest Content

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

Build To Learn: Rapid Prototyping Methods

Sara Bayless da Costa discusses several prototyping methods helping to learn about product, gather quality feedback, and get the best version of a product out there as quickly as possible. Prototyping is a tool that enables one to better understand a user's needs, perceptions, and interactions which, in turn, help create breakthrough digital experiences. (Presentation)



Code is easy, State is hard. Learn how to deal with your monolithic relational databases in a microservices structure as author Edson Yanaga takes you through nine strategies for integrating data from your monolithic application to a microservice architecture. Download now.

Panel: IBM, Westpac, Certus, and Enable Discuss APIs and Microservices

Dennis Ashby moderates a panel discussing the role of APIs in building microservices and the challenges to be overcome. (Presentation)