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Where to Test Your Code

The last 10-15 years in software development have seen a widespread embracing of unit testing. Before the popularity of mobile phones and their apps, most of the organizations I'd worked in gave lip service to automated unit testing, and often even more complex integration/system tests.

These days, it seems more and more people embrace unit testing, and I hear about that often from customers and attendees at events. I don't often hear about more comprehensive integration and system testing, I found an interesting article from the Pragmatic Engineer that looked at how the Bluesky social network was built. The article is partially paywalled, but I  have subscribed because of the interesting thoughts they publish. In this article, there was a really interesting part of the article on testing. This is a section titled "Integration tests over unit tests".

This isn't described in any detail, but there is a note that the priority is for integration tests. There are unit tests, but I'm guessing this means that they write mostly integration tests first and then perhaps fill in with unit tests. The article does note that the backend is heavy on integration tests, looking to test the flow of data through the network. I assume network means their application here.

I think a lot of companies think about skipping unit testing in the database and instead might run some sort of integration tests from the application that hit the database. At least, I hope they do this. If they use unit tests that mock the database, that's not necessarily a great way to ensure that the things in the database work as expected. Data types, defaults, rules/constraints, etc. All of these things might be different in a database over time, which is why devs need a database that is regularly updated from production (though is likely smaller in dataset size).

I can see some value in looking at integration tests more than unit tests. If we can only test so much because of time pressures, ensuring that the flow of read/write to and from the database makes sense. Queries as well, since potentially there are writes that store data and queries that read or aggregate data that might be transformed somehow in the database. Imagine writing a field, but having queries that read from a computed column that has normalized the data somehow. Or even triggers that have changed the data.

I am a bit fan of testing, and I think there is value in database unit testing, but I also understand that many people struggled to get started there. If you aren't going to do database unit testing, then ensure that you are running integration tests that call through to a database. I realize this can be a hassle to set up in a pipeline but building better quality software means some investment in automated testing. That requires a way to build and update dev/test databases over time. A crucial part of embracing DevOps in the database.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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Control OneLake with Storage Explorer – Data Engineering with Fabric

John Miner from SQLServerCentral

In this new article, we examine how to work with OneLake storage.

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Two Tweaks for Faster Backups with Ola Hallengren’s Scripts

Additional Articles from Brent Ozar Blog

Ola Hallengren’s free maintenance solution is widely used as a replacement for SQL Server maintenance plans. It’s a more powerful, flexible tool for backups, corruption checking, and index & statistics updates. If you’re using it for backups, there are two quick, easy changes that can dramatically reduce your nightly job runtimes.

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From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Talkie - a simple, private, responsive interface for LLMs

Bert Wagner from Bert Wagner

Watch this video on YouTube
I like using ChatGPT. But I don't like the $20/month price tag for using OpenAI's app, especially given the API costs fractions of a cent.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - How I Effortlessly Dockerize Python-Based AWS Lambda Functions

Adetokunbo Ige from Adetokunbo Ige

As a Software Engineer, i would like to learn how to dockerize my Python Fast API Framework and use this dockerize application in my lambda function. This will allow...

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Troubleshoot query performance issues, identify anti-patterns in your code, and write efficient T-SQL queries with this guide for T-SQL developers


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Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


The Same Operator Precedence

Which groups of logical operators have the same precedence?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Disable Memory Grant Feedback Persistence

In SQL Server 2022, how can I disable memory grant feedback persistence?


Explanation: You use the ALTER DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION command. Ref: Memory Grant Feedback Persistence -

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