February 1, 2025
“Controversial” M.D.: The REAL reason you get cancer
After decades of mainstream scare-mongering—the REAL reason why we get cancer is coming into focus.

And as I’m looking at the research, it’s pretty clear this could be “ground zero” for not only developing cancer—but treating it altogether.

I’m not going to beat around the bush...

This video reveals the real reason you get cancer in plain and simple terms.

It’s right here at the 2:00 minute mark.
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Sugary Drinks Fuel a Global Health Crisis
Scott Olson Dear Living Well Daily Reader,

I don’t need to tell you that sugary drinks are the opposite of a health food.

However, new research reveals just how harmful they really are.

In fact, millions are being affected in disturbing ways that might shock you...

(Article continues below)
water pitcher If your water filter doesn't do this one thing...

You could be missing out on a HUGE health benefit.

Yes, you want to filter out bad tastes and odors...

But you also need you filter to do THIS if you want to drink water that makes you feel younger.

It's all explained in this video.
Details Here
A disturbing new study published in Nature Medicine has uncovered the devastating toll of sugar-sweetened beverages. The research found they were linked to 2.2 million new cases of type 2 diabetes and 1.2 million cases of heart disease in 2020 alone.

Researchers analyzed sugary drink consumption across 184 countries, comparing data from 1990 to 2020. What they found paints a troubling picture of who's most affected…
  • Men consume more than women.
  • Younger adults drink more than older adults.
  • City dwellers outpace rural residents.
  • Those with higher education levels surprisingly drink more.
But why are these drinks so dangerous? Well, it comes down to how our bodies process liquid sugar.

When you drink a sugary beverage…
  • The calories are absorbed
  • You feel less satisfied than if you'd eaten solid food.
  • Your body struggles to regulate blood sugar.
  • Fat begins accumulating in your
  • Your cardiovascular system takes a hit.
However, the impact isn't felt equally across the globe. And there's a reason for that—beverage manufacturers (Big Soda) actively target specific regions with aggressive marketing campaigns and fight against health-protective legislation.

Think about it for a moment… these aren't just numbers. Each case represents a real person whose life has been forever changed by something seemingly innocent, such as a daily soft drink habit.

The good news is that the solution isn't complicated, and you CAN avoid the same fate as those millions of other folks…
  • Switch to water or unsweetened beverages.
  • Read labels carefully—added sugars are hidden in many drinks.
  • Keep in mind that "natural" juices can be just as sugary, so limit them.
  • Know that diet sodas aren't the answer (click here for more on why)
Remember, every time you reach for a drink, you're making a choice about your health. Make it count.

Health and Happiness,

Scott Olson
Dr. Scott Olson, ND

P.S. The TRUTH about “natural” sugars revealed!

Ed. Note: Please send your feedback: feedback@livingwelldaily.com - and click here to like us on Facebook or click here to follow us on Twitter.

Cudhea, F., Miller, V., Shi, P., Zhang, J., Sharib, J. R., Cash, S. B., Barquera, S., Micha, R., & Mozaffarian, D. (2025). Burdens of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease attributable to sugar-sweetened beverages in 184 countries. Nature Medicine, 1-13.
Arthritis Pain GONE in as Little as Two Minutes?

If you have arthritis or chronic pain of any kind you need to stop what you're doing and watch this video NOW.

It reveals a simple and natural treatment that patients say helps relieve their pain in as little as TWO MINUTES.

But that's not the most amazing part...

It doesn't stop with simply eliminating pain fast... it goes light-years further by helping relieve and repair damaged cartilage, ligaments, and joints with healthy tissue.

Actual patients who've used it have said things like...

"I'm back to walking 3 to 5 miles every day...
I'm virtually pain free."

You can witness the stories of patients who were on the verge of surgery...who thought they'd never walk again without severe pain...and who were considered "lost causes" by mainstream medicine by clicking here now.

No matter how much pain you're in or how many failed treatments you've tried, your path to a life without pain could be just a few minutes away. Click here now to find out how!

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