TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 10, 2017

Brit Election Adds to Striking Global Trend in the U.S., France and Holland For Young People to Vote More Progressive, Often Embracing Socialism

By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet

Labour Party candidates won 63 percent of young voters in the UK election. READ MORE»

UK Elections: How Jeremy Corbyn Orchestrated a Seismic Shift in British Politics

By Terrence Guay, Charles R. Hankla , The Conversation

Corbynism has the right message and is appealing to the most important voters. READ MORE»

Trump Brings out the Bible for Faith and Freedom

By Adele M. Stan,

With the country’s eyes on Comey, Trump enlists evangelicals to push Senate on health bill—and says he'll prevail, as the Bible says. READ MORE»

Trump's Election Was an Enormous Trauma: Comey's Testimony Is Only the First Step Toward Healing

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Comey couldn't bring us back to health in one day—but it helped. READ MORE»

One Simple Thing That Donald Trump Could Do That Would Make a Huge Difference—But Will He?

By Nomi Prins, TomDispatch

We can keep Glass-Steagall or have another economic meltdown. The choice is Trump's. READ MORE»

ISIS Recruiter Who Radicalized London Bridge Attackers Was Protected by MI5

By Nafeez Ahmed, AlterNet

From collusion to blowback. READ MORE»

BUSTED: Trump Treasury Pick Took 4-Week Course on Dartmouth Campus and Called It a Degree

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

Yet another Trump appointee blunder.  READ MORE»

The Deep Roots of Left vs. Right

By Jeremy Sherman, Psychology Today

And how to get both wings to fly together.  READ MORE»

The Notion That We Must Dominate Nature Has Led to Widespread Devastation That Threatens Our Very Survival

By Dr. David Suzuki, AlterNet

There’s no going back to simpler times, but our survival depends on respecting our place in nature. READ MORE»

The DEA's Top 10 Most Insanely Ridiculous Slang Terms for Weed

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

When was the last time you scored some Bootie Juice? READ MORE»

Trump Offers Fool's Gold to Fund Infrastructure

By Leo Gerard, USW Blog

There's a dark side to Trump's infrastructure promise and it could make things worse for taxpayers. READ MORE»

Reality Winner Is a Whistleblower

By Jesselyn Radack, Expose Facts

From Thomas Drake to Edward Snowden, whistleblowers continue to make sacrifices on behalf of the public. READ MORE»

New Documentary Exposes the Shocking Conditions of Apple's Most Exploited Workers

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"Complicit" follows Foxconn's victims-turned-activists in Shenzhen, China. READ MORE»

Becoming a Stripper: What Motivates Women to Join the Industry

By Bernadette Barton, NYU Press

Despite its risks, exotic dancing can promise an escape from a life of poverty. READ MORE»

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