Today's Top Business Story - 07.20.16
Core Brands Appoints New VP of Product Management
Effectively immediately, the new VP will lead all product development initiatives and will report to Core Brands president Joe Roberts.
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Blog of the Day
Whats Happened to Luxury Video?
By John Sciacca

When you think about our industry, there is no shortage of luxury products in virtually every category. We have ultra-fancy remote controls and automation systems, seating made from the finest Italian leathers, audio processing with more computing horsepower than Deep Blue, and power amplifiers milled from the purest aluminum with enough power to drive a small city for a weekend. But wheres the luxury video?
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Business Feature of the Day
Keeping Your Edge in Sales Negotiations
By Mike Detmer

For those of you who havent guessed from reading my previous articles, Im an old-school sales guy. You know the drill: build rapport, discover needs, present solutions, overcome objections, and close the sale. So when it came time to replace my upstairs HVAC system, I expected to be handled that way by Bill, the VP of sales for the company that has been servicing my system for years.
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Quote of the Day
"AV and broadcast are two highly competitive markets, and we recognize the strength and perseverance of our partners that continue to raise the bar with their outstanding sales performance. These awards are a testament to their efforts, and we applaud their outstanding performance and achievement."Rob Riccitelli, vice president of sales, Middle Atlantic Products

Today's Other Business News
ProjX360 Adds SupplyStream Integration
JL Audio Adds New Marketing Director
Design & Construction Week to Feature CEDIA Pavilion
Middle Atlantic Names 2015 Presidents Club Award Winners

Resi's CEDIA Best of Show Awards Opens
NewBay Media is now accepting submissions for its annual Best of Show Awards, honoring outstanding products exhibited at CEDIA. Awards will be given by NewBay Media publications TWICE and Residential Systems magazines.

AV Jobs

Sales Consultant for Custom CE integrator - AVIR Lifestyle Technology Solutions (Palm Desert CA. Coachella Valley)


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