The German government has found a way how to reuse face masks. Drying chambers are the solution.
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Dear Reader,
The German government has found a way how to deal with the shortage of face masks.

By the use of BINDER drying chambers, doctors and hospitals can disinfect face masks within half an hour at 65 or 70 Celsius degrees. Like this, the FFP 2 and FFP 3 masks can be used up to three times. Half masks can be used even several times. This will really help all the people who work in the health sector. So their health will no longer be in danger thanks to the BINDER drying chambers.

Learn how to use our drying chambers.

It is super easy and will keep you healthy.

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78532 Tuttlingen

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Authorized management partner: Peter M. Binder
Registration court: District Court of Stuttgart
Registration number: HRB 727150
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