Good evening everybody, There seems to be a lot of confusion today on how much restrictions have eased during the UK-wide lockdown with different messages coming from the British and Scottish Governments. In reality, north of the border things haven't changed all that much. It's better to be safe than sorry as we, as a united society, try to win the fight against the coronavirus and stop the possibility that a second wave will come that's just as destructive and deadly as the first. Stay home whenever possible, stay safe and protect the NHS. Here are the headlines this evening: - Nicola Sturgeon has denied the four-nation approach to tackling coronavirus across the UK is ‘breaking down’ despite confusion over differing messages from the Scottish and UK governments.
- UK PM Boris Johnson has rejected accusations that the general public have been confused by his new "stay alert" slogan.
- First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said that schools in Scotland are unlikely to be open as early as June 1.
- Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer has told families, carer and medical staff to ensure they have “anticipatory care planning” conversations with those who are most vulnerable to Covid-19.
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