Radio Prague International

News: Sunday, September 12th, 2021

Largest number of coronavirus cases detected in Czechia on a Saturday since May

A total of 253 people tested positive for COVID-19 on Saturday, Health Ministry data shows. That is the highest number recorded for a weekend day, when testing is lower, since late May. Compared with Saturday last week, cases rose by roughly a quarter.

While the number of positive cases grew, the number of tests taken declined when compared to last Saturday from 47,500 to 44,000. The average detection rate therefore increased. Despite this, the reproduction number fell from 1.47 to 1.38. The incidence number - the average number of cases per 100,000 people in the population lies at 24.

The number of hospitalised patients in week-on-week terms rose by two-thirds to 103. Meanwhile, the number of patients in serious condition doubled to 16.

Latest STEM poll puts PM’s ANO party ahead

In a newly released STEM agency poll, Prime Minister Andrej Babiš’s ANO party placed first with 32.4 percent of the vote, CNN Prima News reported on Sunday.

The opposition coalition Spolu (Civic Democrats, Christian Democrats, TOP09) placed second with 20 percent of the vote, followed by the Pirate Party and Mayors and Independents election coalition with 18 percent.

Two more parties would pass the 5 percent threshold to get into the Czech Chamber of Deputies according to the poll, namely the right-wing Freedom and Direct Democracy party with 11.8 percent and the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, which was chosen by 5.4 percent of voters questioned in the poll.

The Social Democrats, who are currently ANO’s minor government coalition partner, only scored 4.4 percent in the STEM survey, meaning that they would not get enough votes to get into the lower-house.

Elections into the Czech Chamber of Deputies are set to take place this year from October 8 to October 9.

Czech Foreign Minister and business delegation visiting Saudi Arabia and UAE

Czech Foreign Minister Jakub Kulhánek is currently on a four day visit to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Traveling with the minister is a business delegation numbering 20 Czech exporters led by the Czech Confederation of Industry, the latter informed on its website. It includes representatives from the ICT, energy, construction and health sectors.

The Czech business representatives are set to meet with their foreign counterparts preparing for the EXPO 2020 business forum in Dubai, which will be taking place next month. Confederation of Industry President Jaroslav Hanák said in a press release that Saudi Arabia and the UAE are planning to invest into smart cities, renewable energy sources and space industry in upcoming years - all areas where Czech industry has much to offer.

Snowboarder Eva Samková named this year’s best Czech snowsports athlete

Snowboarder Eva Samková received this year’s King of the white trail award (Král bílé stopy) from the Czech Ski and Snowboard Association. The 2014  snowboard cross Olympic champion, was awarded for her overall performance in this year’s FIS Freestyle Ski and Snowboarding World Championships, which included a bronze medal that she won in snowboard cross in Idre.

This is the third time that Eva Samková has received the King of the white trail award. Previous victories came in 2014 and 2019. Samova’s coach Marek Jelínek, who also trains the Czech snowboard team, was awarded the Coach of the year award. Meanwhile, 16-year-old acrobatic skier Matěj Švancer took home the Junior of the year award and the Best acrobatic skier award. This year’s awards also saw Karolína Indráčková become the first ever woman to win the Ski jumper of the year award.

Memorial to miner traditions revealed in Most

This Saturday, a new memorial to miner traditions and mining accidents was unveiled in the traditional mining town of Most in the North-West of Bohemia, on the occasion of the 25th annual gathering of mining cities and villages.

The memorial was designed by Jakub Klaška, who works for the prestigious Zaha Hadid Architects office in London. The monument weighs several tons and is supposed to symbolise “the conquest of coal in the landscape”.

Around 350 miners from across the country, as well as Slovakia and Saxony, attended the annual gathering. The three day event continues on Sunday with excursions to local mining settlements.


Monday will see overcast skies across the Czech Republic with temperatures hovering around 23 degrees Celsius.

Antonín Dvořák in America

More than 130 years ago, Czech composer Antonín Dvořák left for the United States, where he spent several years as the head of the National Conservatory of Music. It was there that he composed his most famous symphony From the New World.

Libeň has been part of Prague for 120 years

Libeň was annexed to Prague as the last suburb before the establishment of Czechoslovakia. The largest district of Prague 8 has witnessed many historical events.

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