There have now been 27 cases linked to an outbreak at Second Baptist Church in Calais, the second recent COVID-19 outbreak connected to a church. That’s up from four cases on Tuesday.
That first surge was concentrated in three of Maine’s more populous and urban southern counties — especially Cumberland County, in Portland and its suburbs — and largely driven by deadly outbreaks in elder care facilities. The current spike is more dispersed around Maine, with the virus taking root in more rural and sparsely inhabited regions that had previously seen few cases, most recently Down East and the midcoast.
The outcome of Brewer High’s positive coronavirus case — the only one identified so far this school year at a Bangor-area school — stands in stark contrast to what’s happened at some other Maine schools where COVID-19 has been detected, where dozens of students have had to quarantine due to close contact and schools have switched to fully remote instruction.
Maine businesses, which have been reeling under curtailed operations and the federal government’s inability to agree on a new stimulus package, have been waiting for the next shoe to drop, including possible cutbacks in business, industry experts said.
Both Gideon and Joe Biden are likely to make slight gains in the ranked-choice voting process as voters who prefer third-party candidates are more likely to list Democrats as their second choice.
Loren Coleman has done extensive research on cryptids — the term for an animal that is claimed but not proven to exist — that may wander the woods and waters of Maine.
The Three Little Pigs and Red Riding Hood warned us about the wolf at the door. He’s nothing but bad news. But what if the wolf standing on your welcome mat sings and plays electric guitar?
What people are seeing isn’t the Asian giant hornet. Instead, they are seeing European giant hornets, a more benign and bit smaller species that’s been in this region since the early 1800s.