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July 2, 2020
Here’s a roundup of TNR’s most-read articles on the Coronavirus in America this week. To ensure you don’t miss out on more of the best independent journalism in the country, subscribe today.

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America’s health care system is doing what it does best: rigging the game to extract maximum profits from an ongoing catastrophe.
By Libby Watson
The Hidden Racism of Vaccine TestingIn the dangerous and secretive world of Phase I clinical trials, black men bear the greatest risks.
By Laura Stark
New Orleans’ Underpaid, Overexposed Sanitation WorkersThey earn below the minimum wage, with no benefits or sick days—amid a pandemic, no less.
By Kim Kelly
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The Pandemic-Era Rebrand of Family SeparationMothers in immigrant detention said they were asked to separate from their children. ICE claimed it was an “option.”
By Gaby Del Valle, Jack Herrera
I Was Already Underwater as a Cab Driver in New York. Then the Pandemic Hit.Some of us drivers have a group chat, and most of the guys are in exactly the same situation—they can’t work.
Julio Sibri as told to J.C. Pan
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