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July 11, 2020
Here’s a roundup of TNR’s most-read articles on the Coronavirus in America this week. To ensure you don’t miss out on more of the best independent journalism in the country, subscribe today.

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Trump, Ron DeSantis, and Betsy DeVos are willing to sacrifice thousands of American lives for nothing more than political points.
By Adam Weinstein
Conservative Austerity Created the Mask WarsDecades of attacks on public programs have led us to a point where we’re arguing about personal responsibility in the midst of a pandemic.
By J.C. Pan
The Democrats’ Dumb Idea to Cut Pandemic Unemployment BenefitsThis week’s job numbers demonstrate that this is no time to compromise with Mitch McConnell.
By Timothy Noah
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The Impossible Math of the PandemicParents are working while their kids stay home from school. Grocery budgets are thin. Rents are due. This was never sustainable.
By J.C. Pan
The Wrong Way to Grapple With a Public Health CrisisThe New York Times has either made a grave category error or they’ve given up on the idea of solving America’s health insurance problem.
By Libby Watson
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