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July 17, 2020
Here’s a roundup of TNR’s most-read articles on the coronavirus in America this week. To ensure you don’t miss out on more of the best independent journalism in the country, subscribe today.

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The 2008 financial crash offered some stark lessons about evictions and foreclosures, but lawmakers didn’t learn a thing.
By Alexis Goldstein
There’s No Such Thing as Pandemic Austerity for BillionairesAs families face food insecurity and homelessness, lobbyists, massive corporations, and the American war machine are living large.
By J.C. Pan
The Ethical Dilemma of My Parents’ Death WishThey wanted to see their grandchildren, despite the risk of catching the coronavirus. I couldn’t say no.
By Casey Taylor
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The GOP’s Murderous Anti-IntellectualismThe twenty-first century’s version of the Know-Nothing Party has taken the wanton disregard for knowledge to dizzyingly destructive heights.
By Bruce Bartlett
In Defense of Free Stuff During (and After) the PandemicParents are working while their kids stay home from school. Grocery budgets are thin. Rents are due. This was never sustainable.
By J.C. Pan
Throw the Bums OutWe are in the midst of a world-historic failure of governance. Why isn’t anyone in charge acting like they are responsible for it?
By Alex Pareene
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