Thank you so much for all of you who replied to my earlier email that the link was giving error messages. It was my mistake. I put the wrong link. So sorry! (It really does help when we find this out right away)
And for those of you who will just know that this is a marketing technique.... it's truly not. haha. I do canning well, Technology beats me up sometimes.
This was legit. So..... here's a replay. (with the correct link!) Original Email Below If you’ve ever had chickens, you know that in the summer, they’re like, ‘Here, have ALL the eggs!’ But come winter, they’re on vacation. Just chickens doing their chicken things and still eating. Yes they eat whether they lay or not. It makes me crazy! That’s why freezing eggs such a good idea. You can stock up during the summer egg avalanche and skip those midwinter grocery store run to get eggs when you are still feeding the hens in the coop. I just posted a video about the 3 methods I tried. I have a definite winner... and a method I'll NEVER do again. haha. It didn't work out so hot. |