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Third Saturday Events at CHAC
March 19th 



"Mexican Matchbox Art"



Bring the Kids down and enjoy another fun creative afternoon with artist Mary Hernandez as we learn about this fun Mexican folk art project. Learn about the Meaning behind these little "Nichos" or small worry boxes and get creative with your own!


March 19th 12:30-2:00 at CHAC Gallery


Zion Glory Herbal Healing

"Join us and Zion Glory Herbal Healing on Saturday, March 19th from 2 pm - 4 pm for a great educational session on Maintaining, Moisturizing and Getting to Know Your Skin! Zion Glory's Skin Therapist and the creator of many of their natural personal and skin care products will be at CHAC helping us to better understand our skin and how to maintain it properly."

March 19th 2:00-4:00 PM at CHAC Gallery



CHAC Gallery and Cultural Center would like to thank our Sponsors.

Copyright © 2015 CHAC Gallery and Cultural Center, All rights reserved.

772/774 Santa Fe Drive Denver CO 80204

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