How to Get the Most Out of Data; Adjusting Cloud Attitudes; Video Telematics and Trucking Industry

InformationWeek Week in review
February 10, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Costs, Tech Skills Impeding Network Modernization Efforts
Companies overwhelmingly plan to upgrade their networks, but they lack network engineering chops and modernization projects are busting their budgets, according to an Asperitas Consulting survey.

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3 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Data

Companies feel that they aren't actualizing AI data like they want to. What can they do to better optimize this? Here are some steps that might help juice things up.
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Success in the Cloud Requires an Attitude Change

Migrating from legacy environments to the cloud requires changes to the way organizations approach DevOps, FinOps, SecOps and more.
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How Video Telematics Can Help Trucking Industry Overcome COVID, Supply Chain, and Inflation Challenges

Fleet owners keep a close eye on vehicle health, driver performance, and asset tracking with advanced onboard cameras that deliver live-streaming video to managers to power analytics.
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  • Better APIs for Better Business: Realities of API Security

    The silver lining is that despite the new risks APIs represent, new security tools are simple to deploy for the fast, powerful capabilities that ensure that APIs don’t outpace the security that must accompany them. Join our webinar with ...

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
The Blinking of ChatGPT
‘It’s not why I crashed ChatGPT that matters. It’s how.’ An English teacher relates his experience with ChatGPT, and how students use it. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
The Future of HR Tech: How AI Is Transforming Human Resources
Organizations expect their business and HR leaders to balance functional duties with resource management -- which means stronger investments in AI, advanced analytics, and ML. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Quick Study: Sustainability and ESG
How to effectively handle environmental, social and governance issues for the long haul is a significant concern in IT today. Here are recent articles that highlight the trends. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
A Week of Rampant Ransomware: Breaking Down Ion, VMware Attacks
A stretch of recent ransomware incidents impacted semiconductor manufacturer MKS Instruments, the Ion Markets derivatives platform, and VMware ESXi servers across the globe. Here's what IT leaders should know. Read More
InformationWeek Week in review
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