Could the May jobs report spark false sense of security? | Recruiter tries "positive Googling" of candidate | An action plan for leaders in the post-pandemic era
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The positive May jobs report could give some politicians a false sense of security about the country's economic recovery and could affect policymaking for relief strategies, Mohamed El-Erian writes. In this commentary, El-Erian notes that lawmakers should focus their efforts on refining emergency relief actions and designing policies that minimize the risk of financial instability as the economy reopens.
"Positive Googling" is a method that seeks out information on job candidates that might not be included on their resume but could speak to their qualifications for doing a job, HR expert Adam Rosenfield writes. Rosenfield describes using this method to justify the hiring of a candidate who, on paper, lacked experiences but demonstrated other qualities that made him a good fit for the job.
You can count on an age-diverse workforce.An age-diverse team can help your company succeed—now more than ever. In fact, 82% of employers say older workers bring valuable knowledge to the table. Read the blog post to learn more about a multigenerational workforce and how it can move your business forward.
The IRS has increased the health savings account deductible contribution limit by $50 for individuals and $100 for families in 2021 to $3,600 and $7,200 respectively. HR leaders should communicate this change to employees, who increasingly turn to HSAs to offset costs of high deductible health care plans.
Leaders can take a stand against racism through several steps, including addressing racial inequality and creating an environment that lets all employees be heard. Customers also should be part of the strategy.