You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
                     T.S. Elliott

An invitation to invest 2 to 22 minutes in your executive education this week.

Rick Sapio Needs Our Help – $20
See below my one personal request – thank you.

“Courage in the Boardroom” Award Winner Dale Wolf Headshot
Our media partner Chief Executive magazine, in this article, honors their latest “Courage in the Boardroom” award winner, Dale Wolf.

Notes the magazine:

Like many family businesses, Molina Healthcare hit a wall under second-generation leadership, spurring its board to remove founding family members serving as CEO and CFO. Board Chair Dale Wolf was recognized with the 2024 Courage in the Boardroom Award for his role in navigating that difficult and contentious decision—and putting a flagging company back on a path to impressive growth.

Orchestrated over a week in 2017, Wolf installed an interim CEO and helped scale Molina Healthcare from $2 billion in market cap to over $20 billion in 2024.

Courage to Turnaround a Family Business
Please invest 3 minutes to read Chief Executive’s interview of Dale Wolf to read how he led this 10x increase in valuation. Notes Wolf, in leading the important changes at Molina Healthcare as a board member:

The first is trust your gut. We should have known that this was the right thing to do earlier than we did. The signs were all there. Replacing a family CEO, CFO, in a public company is no mean task. So, I don’t think anybody should take it lightly. But on the other hand, it’s like every employee matter I’ve ever dealt with, when it’s over, you say, “Geez, I should have done that earlier.” So, trust your gut and act. Don’t wait.

Don’t wait – trust your gut and act. What decisions are you delaying when your instincts tell you to act? Have the courage.

Help Someone Courageous – $20?
If these insights, and our body of work, have been helpful to you, please consider donating $20 to what I’m going to share next – and help Rick and our healthcare system reform. Please, please, please.

Rick Sapio’s Courage  Rick-Sapio and family
No one I know recently has shown more courage than fellow EOer, BOGer, GOTer, serial entrepreneur, and dear friend Rick Sapio. Bravely dealing with stage 4 inoperable pancreatic cancer, he’s alive over a year later because he’s challenged traditional healthcare which only wants to feed him chemo at $98k/month (which would have killed him by the 4th month) with zero interest in learning how he’s “miraculously” remained alive 3x longer without it.

Experimental Treatments
A devoted father of four, each day is a race against time, and securing the critical care and experimental treatments he needs is essential for his survival. In a devastating twist, Rick’s wife, Melissa, has also been diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer. Now, both parents are fighting for their lives, leaving their children, ages 10, 12, 14, and 16, facing an uncertain future.

Breaking the Bank – $20
Like most entrepreneurs, Rick’s wealth is tied up in his businesses – and he’s not able to put in a full day’s work. He’ll be OK financially in the long run, but the stress of the medical bills which insurance won’t cover, is breaking his back and bank in the short run. If each of you would please donate $20, we can provide a huge relief to Rick and his family.

Finding a Cure
The non-profit Riordan Clinic, of which I’m Vice Chair, has saved others from stage 4 pancreatic cancer. I’m helping pay for Rick’s treatments at our clinic – and he’s part of our “N-of-1” study finding more ways to survive these deadly cancers. We need your help to find a cure and to support Rick’s life-saving treatments. Your support can make all the difference, offering hope and a chance for the Sapio family to continue their journey together. Please share their story and help us ensure a future filled with love and laughter for this incredible family. Learn more, Please donate and Join Team Rick: #TeamRick #BigAsk #FindACure #PancreaticCancer

Be Brave, Have Courage, Make Decisions, Love All

Order a box of 20 books 5Books_Reflection
Save 50% over the price on Amazon for Scaling Up, Mastering the Rockefeller Habits, and 12 Habits of Valuable Employees books here for less! 

Additional Books 
Scaling Up Compensation, a quick read helping you get much greater impact and outcomes from one of your largest expenses; and The Greatest Business Decisions of All Time, which provides you with some great ideas to borrow/steal for your own business are available on Amazon.

COACHING: Unlock Explosive Growth with a Scaling Up Coach
Is your business hitting a growth ceiling? Break through with a Scaling Up Certified Coach™. Our elite coaches master the Scaling Up methodology to reignite growth, align your team, and chart a clear scalability path. From day one, we provide a custom-tailored approach - conducting a comprehensive diagnostic, hand-picking your perfect coach match, and providing dedicated support. Whether a $5M or $250M firm, invest in coaching to propel your business to extraordinary new heights.
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Engage your team with interactive Scaling Up workshops. Here's our
list of workshops

Sydney, Australia –  Sep 5, 2024 (In-Person)
Chile – Sep 10, 2024 (Virtual)
Melbourne, Australia – Sep 10, 2024 (In-Person)
Ontario, Canada – Sep 12, 2024 (Virtual)

Denver, CO – Sep 17, 2024 (In-Person)
Adelaide, Australia – Sep 23 & 24, 2024 (2 Day, In-Person)
San Francisco, CA – Sep 24, 2024 (Virtual)
Nottingham, UK – Oct 1, 2024 (In-Person)
London, UK â€“ Oct 2, 2024 (In-Person)
Brisbane, Australia – Oct 2, 2024 (In-Person)
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia – Oct 7, 2024 (In-Person)
Phoenix, AZ – Oct 10, 2024 (Virtual)

Ontario, Canada - Oct 10, 2024 (Virtual)
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – Oct 14, 2024 (In-Person)
Chile – Oct 15, 2024 (Virtual)

Fort Lauderdale, FL – Oct 15, 2024 (In-Person)
San Francisco, CA – Oct 16, 2024 (Virtual)
Columbus, OH – Oct 25, 2024 (In-Person)
Chile – Nov 12, 2024 (Virtual)
Melbourne, Australia – Nov 12, 2024 (In-Person)
Sydney, Australia – Nov 14, 2024 (In-Person)

Ontario, Canada - Nov 14, 2024 (Virtual)
San Francisco, CA – Nov 19, 2024 (Virtual)
Franklin, TN – Dec 5, 2024 (Virtual)
Chile – Dec 10, 2024 (Virtual)

San Antonio, TX – Dec 10, 2024 (In-Person)
Ontario, Canada - Dec 12, 2024 (Virtual)
San Francisco, CA – Dec 18, 2024 (Virtual)
Washington, DC â€“ Jan 28, 2025 (In-Person)

Planning to Exit – Critical Whitepaper
Selling your firm, for its maximum value, is the most important negotiation in which a business owner will participate. You are typically negotiating with sophisticated buyers who have done hundreds of acquisitions whereas this is often your first rodeo. And these buyers have a formula for ripping you off – and it works, stealing tens of millions from you. Seeking help, owners discover the big M&A firms, especially those specializing in your industry, are more beholden to the buyers than the sellers (they will tell you otherwise). Email me to get a whitepaper on how to maximize your valuation and avoid the psychological games buyers play

Scaling Up Scoreboard is AI-enabled and integrated with Salesforce, Slack, and Zapier (allowing it to connect with 1000s of systems). Use Scoreboard to provide your team (working remotely even more important!) with a real-time visual dashboard of cascading priorities and metrics. Get a personalized tour of the Scaling Up Scoreboard to see how you can use it to better implement Scaling Up in your business.

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