Bail conditions include Hiatt having no contact with minors, not to be at schools, playgrounds or anywhere where minors congregate and not to possess any device that can connect to the internet.
People from all over the country funded Amazon lists, and included personal donations of everything from money to classroom supplies and outdoor winter clothing for students to wear during recess.
The sale of the Coastal Resources of Maine plant had been slated to occur by June 30 but has been continuously delayed due to Pennsylvania-based company Delta Thermo Energy’s financing issues.
Ownership of the mudflat is critical because it’s where a Norwegian aquaculture company wants to bury the outfall and intake pipes to get from its planned $500 million land-based fish farm to Penobscot Bay.
Residents of the small border town are fed up with swarms of flies that have invaded their homes and yards and taken the fun out of their summers for the past two years.