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14-05-2024 11:06 AM BST

Neutral Citation Number: [2024] EWHC 1137 (Admin)Case Number: AC-2022-BHM -000148 In the High Court of JusticeKings Bench DivisionAdministrative CourtBirmingham Civil and FamilyJustice Centre 14 May 2024 Before:Mr Justice Swift Between: The Kingon the application ofWendy Smith -v- Secretary of State for the Home Department Interveners:(1) Friends, Families and Travellers(2) Liberty

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14-05-2024 10:21 AM BST

Neutral Citation Number: [2024] EWCA Crim 490Case Number: 2024/00651/A4 In the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)On Appeal from the Crown Court at NottinghamMr Justice Turner 14 May 2024 Before:The Lady Carr of Walton-on-the-HillThe Lady Chief Justice of England and WalesLord Justice EdisandMr Justice Garnham Between: Rex -v- Valdo Calocane

The post Rex -v- Calocane appeared first on Courts and Tribunals Judiciary.

14-05-2024 09:53 AM BST

Neutral Citation Number: [2024] EWCA Crim 509Case Number: 202302641 A1 In the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)On appeal from the Crown Court at NottinghamMrs Justice Tipples DBE 14 May 2024 Before:Lord Justice SinghMr Justice JayandThe Recorder of Northampton (HHJ Rupert Mayo)sitting as a Judge of the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) Between: Rex -v- Jamie []

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