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05-07-2024 12:16 PM BST

In Manchester Crown Court 5 July 2024 Sentencing remarks of the Honourable Mr Justice Goss Between: Rex -v- Lucy Letby

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05-07-2024 11:36 AM BST

Neutral Citation: [2024} EWHC 1735 (KB)Case No: QB-2019-001430 In the High Court of JusticeKing’s Bench DivisionMedia and Communications Unit 5 July 2024 Before: Mr Justice Mellor Between: Craig Wright -v- Peter McCormack

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05-07-2024 11:34 AM BST

Neutral citation number: [2024] EWHC 1730 (Ch) Case number: BL-2019-001788 In the High Court of JusticeBusiness and Property Courtsof England and WalesBusiness List (ChD) 27 June 2024 Before:Mr Justice Fancourt Between:HRH The Duke of Sussex -v- News Group Newspapers Limited

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05-07-2024 11:21 AM BST

Neutral Citation Number: [2024] EWCA Civ 75Case No: CA-2023-001091 and CA-2023-001099 In the Court of Appeal (Civil Division)On the appeal from the Competition Appeal TribunalMr Justice Roth, Lord Ericht and Jane Burgess[2023[ CAT 15 5 July 2024 Before: Sir Julian Flaux, Chancellor of the High CourtLord Justice GreenandLord Justice Snowden Between: Walter Hugh Merricks CBE […]

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05-07-2024 10:20 AM BST

Neutral Citation Number: [2024] EWHC 1729 (Admin)Case No: AC-2024-LON-001503 In the High Court of JusticeKing’s Bench DivisionAdministrative Court 5 July 2024 Before: Mr Justice Chamberlain Between: The King(on the application of FDA) -v- (1) Minister for the Cabinet Office(2) Minister for the Civil Serviceand(3) Secretary of State for the Home Department

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