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COVID-19 burnout rampant amongst providers, and how healthcare leaders can test themselves
Thursday, October 29, 2020

News Headlines

CMS approves merger of HFAP with Accreditation Commission for Health Care

The Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP), the oldest CMS-approved hospital accreditation program in the nation, has merged with the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) in a move designed to expand both organizations’ reach in the compliance world.

Six tests for physician leadership

Over the years, physicians have been frequently accused of resisting change. In the face of tremendous new pressures—ranging from explosive levels of new technology and data to changing regulatory burdens and expectations—it is understandable that care providers may struggle to keep up. Now, Thomas H. Lee, MD, chief medical officer for Press Ganey and a physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, finds that this reluctance to change may itself be changing.

Healthcare worker well-being and resilience summit: Three big ideas

Last week, nearly 400 healthcare professionals participated in a national summit on healthcare worker well-being and resilience.

Research indicates that nearly half of physicians are experiencing burnout symptoms, and a study published in October 2018 found that burnout increases the odds of physician involvement in patient safety incidents, unprofessionalism, and lower patient satisfaction.

Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’, keep those (fire) door-ies rollin’…

Source: Mac's Safety Space

Just because I am fascinated by all sorts of stuff (and I suspect that, since you’re still with me on this, you might be interested in all sorts of stuff, too), I came across a blog post regarding the ins and outs (or perhaps the more appropriate description would be “ups and downs”) of rolling steel fire doors. 


Healthcare Life Safety Compliance

TJC releases advice to protect well-being of healthcare workers during pandemic

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in January, healthcare workers in U.S. hospitals have been working almost nonstop, often in high-stress environments without the proper support they need to do their jobs.

As usual, healthcare workers are asked to take on some of the hardest work during this pandemic, and many of them are doing so without taking enough breaks or getting enough sleep.

It’s taking a toll. You need only look at the nightly news to see photos and videos of exhausted healthcare workers working overlapping shifts to cover their colleagues—some of whom are getting sick themselves with the coronavirus.



Healthcare Safety Leader

How to find generator test and inspection requirements

Where can I find the exact documentation requirements for weekly and monthly generator tests? Meaning, what readings, temperatures, amp, etc., need to be recorded to satisfy the accreditation organization?


Medical Environment Update

Q&A: How to prevent hospital-acquired pressure ulcers/injuries

Patients on ventilators who are unable to reposition themselves are among the most vulnerable to pressure ulcers. Between the large number of COVID-19 patients needing hospitalization and the upcoming flu season, many facilities will have more patients than ever whom they’ll need to keep from developing bedsores and ulcers.





The Environment of Care Compliance Manual, Sixth Edition

The Environment of Care Compliance Manual, Sixth Edition, provides all the guidance safety officers need to comply with the latest CMS Environment of Care requirements and corresponding TJC standards. Along with policy and procedural guidance, this edition also includes easily downloadable and customizable forms and tools to meet your organization’s needs.

Author Thomas J. Huser, MS, CHSP, CHEP, provides readers with:

  • Analysis and compliance tips for each EC standard and element of performance (EP)
  • Explanations of changes to the interpretations and scoring of the standards and EPs 
  • Updated policies and procedures to comply with standards affecting all areas of the EC
  • Understanding EC standards through common parlance and eliminating dry code language

Order now: https://hcmarketplace.com/environment-of-care-compliance-manual 



Contact Us

Brian Ward

35 Village Road, Suite 200
Middleton, MA 01949


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