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Celebs Entertainment Party Pics Style Diets Life Travel Competitions
1 Local News
What it's like to have COVID-19: A UAE resident shares her journey
It didn't start with a sore throat or a cough.
2 Local News
An influencer has sparked outrage for flouting the Stay Home rules
She was out and not following the rules
3 Local News
Coronavirus UAE: Tourists will be allowed to stay legally in the country
Many are going to be affected by the flight suspensions
4 Star Beauty
Huda Kattan pledges US$100K for freelance make-up artists
Affected by COVID-19
5 Local News
Coronavirus: 45 new cases in UAE - one man infects 17
And two more recoveries
6 Local News
Coronavirus: UAE Cabinet approves additional AED16 billion package
This brings total value to AED126.5 billion
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