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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Featured Content

Physician loses license over COVID-19 misinformation

A family medicine physician has lost his license for spreading misinformation related to COVID-19. Arthur LaTulippe, MD, who practiced in Dallas, Oregon, refused to wear a mask when seeing patients and also told his patients that wearing a mask was dangerous to their health.

Recognize a fellow MSP!

Is there a member of your team that you're especially grateful for this year? We want to know! Email CRC editor Karen Kondilis at kkondilis@hcpro.com with their name, organization, email address, and a few sentences about what makes them such a great MSP and team member. Your nominated MSP could be featured in an upcoming issue of our Credentialing Resource Center Digest! To see an example of our latest MSP shout-out, click here.


CRC Member Exclusive

Pause before you post on social media

There are many positives to the judicious use of social media in medicine, and the future will open many more possibilities. The risks, however, will not diminish in time; rather, the potholes will become bigger. Everyone, medical professional or not, would benefit from pausing before posting on social media.




Product Spotlight

Coming soon!


Contact Us

Karen Kondilis
Managing Editor
Credentialing Resource Center

35 Village Road, Suite 200
Middleton, MA 01949

For advertising and marketing opportunities with the Credentialing Resource Center, please email rcardoso@simplifycompliance.com.



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