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Official EFT
Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist)
Tips, How-to's, New stuff, More

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IN THIS ISSUE - For Everyone: (1) Today's Inspiration, (2) More Insights, (3) Comparing EFT Tapping with OEFT, (4) Covid Sufferer Gains Relief, (5) Articles/Videos To Review, (6) NEED MORE HELP?

For OEFT Course Members - ADVANCED: (1) Our next Webinar, (2) Pointing Out The Baggage, (3) OEFT Member Speaks, (4) Gems From Our Past Webinars, (5) Practice Group Reminder


Today's Inspiration: Watch while blind singer, Andrea Bocelli, and his young daughter, Virginia, sing Halleluja. 

See video

Gratitude to Diane von der Weid for submitting this.


More Insights From The Unseen Therapist E-Book

Meet The Unseen Therapist

The Unseen Therapist lives within each of us — no exceptions — and thus is readily available to you. A child can call on Her and get impressive results. So can a prisoner, housewife, war veteran or doctor. It doesn’t matter about your educational level either. You only need to be able to read this book. Nor does it matter whether you are rich or poor, young or old, male or female, athletic or crippled. She is waiting — and eager — to bring healing well beyond your expectations.

She is the loving essence of all spiritual practices and thus does not conflict with anyone’s Divine preferences. She is known by many names, including: Love, God, Source, Peace, Jesus, Buddha, Yahweh, Muhammad, Allah, Higher Intelligence, Spirit, Holy Spirit, Jehovah, Guidance, Inner Wisdom, Ruach Hakodesh and more. I’ve had clients who prefer to call Her Nature or the Ocean Waves. Others equate Her with the loving memory of a grandmother, a pet or a coach. It doesn’t matter which name you give Her as She has no ego.

Further, She is not actually a “she” because She has no body and thus no gender. I refer to Her as a She because females are generally considered to be softer and more compassionate than males. But, if you prefer, you can call Her a He — or an It — or even a Cloud or a Breeze. Your choice. What you call Her doesn’t change who She is.


Comparing EFT Tapping With
Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist)

1. Both methods use specific events but differ widely in how peace is brought to those specific events. EFT Tapping does this by mechanically tapping on meridian points whereas Optimal EFT directly invites the peace of the spiritual realm (The Unseen Therapist). One involves man-made tapping while the other brings in God. No real comparison here.

2. EFT Tapping often requires detailed "detective work" to find the cause underlying challenging issues. This can take a LOT of time and, after all that, you may not find the true cause. Optimal EFT, by contrast, allows you to ask the Ultimate Wisdom (The Unseen Therapist) directly and thus get to the true cause in short order.

3. EFT Tapping provides a method for "Borrowing Benefits" wherein one person "taps along" with another in an effort to gain parallel healing. This popular method provides beginner's evidence that we are connected and have, at the core, very similar issues. Fabulous.

Optimal EFT, on the other hand, constantly echoes the Oneness Reality and immerses you into Oneness as a central healing method. As such, it goes well beyond the beginner's use of Borrowing Benefits. This is often reflected in enhanced surrogate work.

4. EFT Tapping is a good stand-alone method. It is dramatically enhanced, however, when blended with The Unseen Therapist.


Covid Sufferer Gains Relief

"I opened my eyes feeling that utter JOY

that comes when this energy touches soul."

Hi Gary,

I had an amazing experience that I wanted to share. A dear friend's hubby had been in ICU with Covid for nearly 2 months and was not getting better. He'd get his O2 requirements down only to lose ground and end up back-tracking. She was told to 'prepare the family'...

I decided to try The Universal healer (my tweak on the Unseen Therapist;) technique with a few twists. I saw myself with him in the hospital (I was 5,000 miles away) but he did NOT wish to speak with me. I sent him love. I tried two more times and he was adamant that he was NOT willing to even try to allow healing; he pushed me away. He was just terribly depressed, alone, and had lost hope.

I got a feeling to give it one more try and sent him a packet of love FIRST, a silver sparkly heart package of Divine Love--no strings, no expectations. I visualized standing next to him observing his body on oxygen in his hospital room. I sent him JOY. I opened up to the universal healer (Unseen Therapist), seeing it as a river of beautiful light swirling in BOTH of us, and started to laugh. He smiled. Then he started to laugh too. By the time this was done, we were laughing and jumping up and down like kids playing in a fountain on a hot day. I opened my eyes feeling that utter JOY that comes when this energy touches soul.

The very next day, a friend called and said my friend's hubby had suddenly opened his eyes and was recovering! She had no idea of any of this and I preferred to remain 'anonymous', as I do nothing--I am only a Conduit. But it confirmed how I saw him light up with LIFE again.

I realized that the utter isolation, loneliness and despair this horrible virus causes our loved ones is as much the culprit for their demise as the virus itself. The JOY of being alive is lost. Just a joyful reminder of all they have to live for and all those that love them is all the boost someone may need to turn the corner to recovery. Perhaps someone can 'tweak' this for their loved ones who are ill as well. Thought I would pass it on.

Love, Alea Morningstar


Recommended Previous Articles/Videos To Review

1. From our "Impossible" Healings collection: "Impossible" Calming Of Special Needs Children

2. From our Questions & Answers collection: The "Quick Fix" Myth Of EFT

3. From our NewThink collection: Do I Need To Be "Spiritual" For Unseen Therapist's Help?



1. Read my  free e-book, The Unseen Therapist, for a solid understanding of our latest advancement, Optimal EFT.

2. Join our  Optimal EFT Course Membership for professionals and self-help students. Taught by me. ln-depth work. Credentials. Touch the World.

3. Become certified through our top-level  Complete EFT Certification program. Enter the upper echelons of the world's most effective healing professionals.

4. Engage one of our highly trained, certified,  Official EFT Practitioners.

5. For more info please visit  The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Centers.




For the Optimal EFT Course Membership

(a paid facility for professionals and self-help students)

Details and pricing for this Membership

Our next Webinar: It will be on Sunday, April 25, at 10am Pacific time. It will be dedicated to Members' questions/comments about our Advanced Lessons, Self-Help Sessions, Challenging cases, personal uses or anything else that will help us climb our Stairway to Miracles.

This will be a prime opportunity to explore your questions and comments. Write to me about them or bring them up at the Webinar.


The Unseen Therapist Points Out The Baggage
Using the TV Guidance Channel Technique

Member Nance McKinney used our TV Guidance Channel Technique (Advanced Lesson #10) to help her friend with a relationship issue. Clever use. Saved a lot of "detective work."


Hi Gary,

Marcie (not her real name) wanted to work on blood pressure issues.  One thing that had triggered her recently and elevated her blood pressure was  the issue of vacation trips with her husband in the car.  During these trips, he would start arguments with her in the car while driving.  Marcie would get very upset and not enjoy the trip.  At this point, she said she no longer wanted to go on trips with her husband. They had always enjoyed trips in the car, but now it was no longer pleasant for her much of the time and her blood pressure would rise.

When Marcie came to talk to me and work on this using OEFT, I suggested we ask the Unseen Therapist to show her something that would be useful in resolving this issue.  I asked her to visualize a big screen TV, so the Unseen Therapist could present an image or information there for her.  She agreed to try this and she closed her eyes.  Within a few minutes, she started laughing and when she was ready, she opened her eyes.  I asked her why the laughter, and she explained that, in the image, she immediately saw herself and her husband driving in the desert in a convertible.  Her bags were in the back seat.  On the screen, she turned around, and began throwing her bags out of the car.   She laughed at this because it was so funny to her that she would do something like this on a trip.  

She realized she was taking baggage with her on trips that may have contributed to her situation with her husband.  In one of these bags was the idea that she should be more assertive with her husband and tell him how his argumentative behavior affected her and her blood pressure.  She knew that there might be other issues (events) in the other bags as well.

Recently, she told me that she had been on more trips with her husband and that prior to that, she had indeed talked to her husband about his behavior and her reactions, both emotional and physical.  Her blood pressure was not such a problem at this time, and her husband was more aware of his own negative behavior.  Not taking that baggage on trips had changed her mind about future trips with her husband.


Nance McKinney


An OEFT Member Speaks
Mireille Fruin shares two ideas

Hi Gary, 

Regarding a Heavenly Habit:  On the topic of the Heavenly Habit, here is my way of finding love for a person when I might find that difficult -- and for me it works unfailingly. It simply involves my seeing this person as a tiny baby, newly arrived, full of hope, trust and curiosity, ready to start a new life in this world where he or she has just entered.

No wonder I feel an immense love for this little miracle and maybe a wave of compassion when thinking of what may lie ahead. Then I think “what hardship may this unsuspecting tiny being have encountered in the course of their life, what pain, disappointment, trauma that have made them into what they have now become?”

But the love remains...

Regarding the Dream:  As for the concept of life being just a dream, but not really saying that to too many people (true, it’s hard to swallow), I prefer suggesting that life is actually somehow like a theater play: we’re all on the stage and we play the role that we choose, and we’re allowed to invent it as we go along and as events play themselves out, much as in a role play. We can also sometimes replay certain scenes and try a new and different reaction. We are at the same time totally ‘in it’, but at times we should not forget to step back and remember that it is ‘only’

With love,



Gems From Our Past Webinars

Login to your OEFT Membership Account and click on Recorded Webinars. There you will find a treasure chest of insights and examples about our High-End process with The Unseen Therapist.

Here, for example, are the Topics of Interest from Webinar #6 (out of 109):

0:00:00 Opening

    Thanks for the feedback.
    Our progression so far.

0:03:10 Discussion with Linda Carr on her “Bliss Capsule” and her experience with food, water and time.

0:14:32 Note from Judy Whitcraft re: an interesting value to watching our Webinar recordings.

0:17:52  Individual Session with Shelley.  “I’m Worthless”, “I’m not lovable” and more.

1:17:53  Olga: Discussion on empathically picking up on Shelley’s issues.

1:20:57  Jan: Questions about being “One” and living in this world at the same time AND why are we in this dream in the first place?

1:26:52  Melanie:  Since there is no time or space would it be possible to have the group work on Shelley’s mother and provide benefits for both Shelley and her mom?  Also, in physical issues does it help to know the medical origin of the issue?

1:33:56  Irwin: Discussion on his stubborn issues with needles.  Hidden or repressed issues.

1:39:37 Vicki:  Discussion on a technique for empathic people.  She will write up her ideas.

1:40:01  Darlene:   What if I have a hard time visualizing?

1:48:15:  Wrap up and final group healing.


Practice Group Reminder: Our practice group facility regularly offers new opportunities to improve your skills. Please check it out in the Membership section of our website.


Note: Please consult physicians on all medical issues.

e-hugs, Gary

Click here to provide Feedback, Questions, Optimal EFT Results, etc.

© Gary Craig 

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Gary Craig, P.O. Box 1393, Gualala, CA, 95445, United States