Today's Headlines
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Dozens of Christian colleges, high schools, seminaries and Bible colleges have banded together to form an alliance uniting all sectors of Christian education to address the mutual challenges they face in an increasingly secular culture.
Days after Mississippi Pastor Arthur Scott filed a lawsuit against the City of Greenville for issuing multiple members of his congregation $500 tickets for attending a drive-in service, the Justice Department intervened Tuesday in support of the church.
Pro-life activists can pray outside of abortion clinics in Michigan even as the state has shutdown most activities to curb the spread of COVID-19, a court has ruled.
Evangelist Anne Graham Lotz recently explained how painful situations in her life allowed her to encounter God “in a fresh way” and said God might also be using the COVID-19 pandemic to “get our attention so that we will listen to His message.”
I tried so hard and so long to fix the problem of porn in my marriage. You name it, I tried it: being understanding, being hurt, being angry, even being more sexual. But nothing I did made any difference. 
Charitable Allies - Have faith in a law firm that knows you - Learn More?id=de76903b88?id=de76903b88?id=de76903b88?id=de76903b88?id=de76903b88?id=de76903b88?id=de76903b88?id=de76903b88?id=de76903b88?id=de76903b88?id=de76903b88?id=de76903b88?id=de76903b88?id=de76903b88?id=de76903b88DFPAudiencePixel;ord=1;dc_seg=845925947?
Little more than a century ago, almost every American lived on a remote farm, in an isolated hunter’s cabin, or in a small village.

Christian-led law firm helps ministries, non-profits overcome COVID-19 challenges

Christian-led law firm helps ministries, non-profits overcome COVID-19 challenges

As COVID-19 continues to spread nationwide, many faith-based, charity and community organizations have found themselves impacted in ways they never anticipated. Yet, due to the rapid onset of the virus, many groups don’t have the resources or time to strategically plan for new challenges in the weeks and months ahead.

“There is so much to consider due to COVID-19, and most faith-based, charity and community organizations don't realize the scope of the risk that they're facing right now,” Zachary Kester, Executive Director and Managing Attorney with Charitable Allies, told The Christian Post.

“In the midst of a crisis, it’s important for boards to identify their tripwires, and what necessary steps they need to take, etc,” he continued. “If they decide now, when they’re slightly less emotional, less harried, and less stressed, it will make a tremendous difference in the long-run. Unfortunately, many boards and executive leadership fail to think through these kinds of scenarios in advance.”

Christian-led law firm helps ministries, non-profits overcome COVID-19 challenges

Charitable Allies, a charity that provides legal, educational, administrative support, training, and consulting services to nonprofits, is stepping up to help faith-based groups navigate the unique challenges posed by COVID-19 at greatly reduced rates.

“It’s incredibly common, especially in the midst of a crisis, for clients to come to us with one particular issue, and as we dive in, we find there were actually one or two larger issues that caused the symptoms we’re seeing,” he said. “It really just takes us an hour or two to identify the problems we need to address: What are the long-term fixes, and what are the truly urgent needs we need to deal with now?”

“We’re really good at prioritizing those issues in a nonjudgmental way. We understand how ministry works, so we are able to help identify a path through a crisis and prioritize needs in an efficient way... Read More

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