Today's Headlines
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
In an interview with The Christian Post, influential pastor and biblical scholar Tony Evans reflected on his wife Lois' life and legacy, remaining faithful amid grief, and trusting God even when He doesn't make sense.
Voters in Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, and Washington State took to the polls on Tuesday to determine the presidential nominee for the Democratic Party.
“The Bachelor's” Peter Weber was spotted at church after reuniting with Madison Prewett, a professing Christian who walked away from the show because of the couple’s different lifestyles.
Bethel Church, the controversial megachurch in Redding, California, that also runs a school of supernatural ministry, suspended their “faith healing” ministry at local hospitals where they are known to lay hands on the sick, due to the new coronavirus.
Helm’s statement is at the heart of the legitimate assertion that Socialism is anti-Christian. As early as 1917, Charles R. Erdman, a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary, said that Socialism is defective in that it places the physical above the spiritual needs of humanity.
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Even among professing Christians, the idea is growing that “Satan” is more a force than an actual being.

6 Mistakes to Avoid with Online Giving

6 Mistakes to Avoid with Online Giving

Church leaders are faced with the growing reality that less and less people are regularly carrying cash or checkbooks. This dilemma is causing more organizations to adopt online giving in conjunction with the traditional method of passing the plate. However, there’s a catch. Most churches are misusing their online giving, which results in a significant loss of giving potential. So what’s really the giving solution in a cash free world?

Here are six ways you may be missing out on giving potential.

1. Monthly Subscription and Processing Fees

Is free really free?

Free software is a tempting offer. While it may appear to be the most bang for your buck to use a subscription-free software, that may not always be the case. Check the merchant processing rates. These are the rates that are associated with each transaction done through the platform. Different cards have different rates. So do different giving methods, like card transactions versus ACH transactions. Most free platforms offer flat processing rates, but they are high processing rates.

So why does this matter? It’s still cheaper, right?

Most likely, you are paying more in merchant processing fees alone than you would if you went with a monthly subscription company. For example, SecureGive does have a monthly subscription fee that is determinate on the plan you select but does have the lowest merchant processing rates across all major online giving platforms. So while the monthly subscription isn’t free, you will save hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year on merchant processing fees. Guaranteed.

Ultimately, you’ll be saving more money with lower fees than by forgoing a monthly subscription.

SecureGive A Better Giving Solution - Better Software, Better Service, Better Price, Better Results - Learn More

2. Diversity and Comprehensiveness

People like options.

By implementing a variety of online, mobile, text, kiosk, and inservice giving, you allow your donors the ability to give whenever, wherever, and however they’d like. The Johnsons can give online during their summer vacation. Mrs. Smith can text to give when she forgets her purse at home. The Allens are reminded to give by seeing a kiosk in the lobby.

While online and mobile giving are great options, kiosks are the most preferred way to donate for first time donors. Placing a kiosk in your church lobby, not only diversifies your giving options but it is also a visual reminder for people to give. By having comprehensive giving methods and visual reminders for your members to donate, your giving potential will increase.

3. Transparency

It’s a fact, people are more prone to give when they feel like they are apart of something... Read More

Do you have the tools to grow your giving?
SecureGive can help your church save money, save time, and grow giving.

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