Today's Headlines
Monday, December 31, 2018
Facebook apologized to Rev. Franklin Graham for temporarily banning his page over a 2016 post about transgender bathroom use and Bruce Springsteen. 
Pediatric endocrinologists whose voices are being stifled are sounding the alarm about a "diabolical" push to put children confused about their bodies on puberty suppressants and hormone blockers like Lupron to change their physical sex.
In his book, "Resenting God: Escape the Downward Spiral of Blame," John I. Snyder helps believers find healing and a better understanding for why God allows suffering and why it’s OK to be honest with God about our disappointments when life doesn’t go as we planned.
Actress Chrissy Metz, popular for her work on the hit NBC show “This Is Us” and the star of the upcoming Christian film “Breakthrough,” shared that she is unashamed about her faith in God, although it may be considered “uncool.”
Award-winning actor Dennis Quaid is lending his talents to an upcoming docudrama on efforts to ban free speech.