Today's Headlines
Wednesday, January 02, 2019
An Urbana speaker contended that Christians today are supporting a modern-day “Babylon” that represses, exploits and marginalizes people through their consumerism and love of “stuff,” among other things.
Libyan authorities have announced that a mass grave containing the remains of 34 Christians murdered by the Islamic State in 2015 has been found.
The co-founder of the “#ShoutYourAbortion” movement was featured on a popular YouTube channel for children telling kids that abortions are “part of God’s plan” and that they are much like going to the dentist.
Forty Christian missionaries were killed around the world in 2018, the Vatican’s news agency has reported, with Africa becoming the new deadliest continent for clergy.
Are you planning to better manage your internet use in 2019? Three recent books can help.