Today's Headlines
Friday, November 27, 2020
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo called Wednesday’s Supreme Court ruling favoring religious organizations in a dispute over COVID-19 restrictions, “irrelevant” and not “final” while arguing that the decision is really more of a statement on the court’s new conservative bent.
The first Annual African Apologetics Conference is engaging with postmodern and traditional African worldviews by asking if Christianity is the faith for Africa.
A holiday subscription box by Artza is bringing the Holy Land into the homes of people all over the world who aren't able to visit Israel due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. 
The leader of a house church in China’s Yunnan province who refused to join the state-sponsored church was detained for five days as his “administrative punishment” and hit with a fine amid an uptick in religious persecution by the regime.  
A group of faith leaders and research scientists have partnered to create a nonprofit organization called The Faith Based Genetic Research Institute in a bid to promote the value of gene therapy in communities of color.
Money is tight for Christmas this year. Any tips for shopping Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales?
Justice Should Restore

Outrageous Justice Free Small Group Study

Awakening Christians to the Need for Justice That Restores

God calls us to seek justice. But how should Christians respond? Outrageous Justice offers Christians a place to start. Explore the criminal justice system through a biblical lens and discover hands-on ways to pursue justice, hope, and restoration in your community.
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The curriculum features a study guide, videos, and a companion book— everything you need for a small group study.

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