Today's Headlines
Monday, August 09, 2021
Amid a contentious presidential election, racial justice protests and the COVID-19 pandemic, a new survey finds that only 36% of Americans say their faith has given them hope as more Americans say "fear" is the feeling they seek to avoid the most.
An atheist parolee cannot be jailed for refusing to attend worship services or participate in a Christian transitional program, a three-judge U.S. circuit court panel has ruled. 
The mayor of a Texas border town is pleading for help in responding to the immigration surge as an influx of positive COVID-19 cases flow across the border, leaving the town of McAllen overwhelmed.  
Christian author and podcaster Allie Beth Stuckey gained back access to her Twitter account without having to back down from her comments after the social media giant temporarily locked her account for “misgendering” a trans-identified weightlifter from New Zealand.
Ahead of the Church of England’s legislative assembly election this year, traditionalists have launched a campaign called Save the Parish to urge clergy and lay members to “save the parish system" which has been losing funding in favor of alternative worship venues.
I want to see the ERLC trending in the right direction again. Its positions and actions shouldn't even smell of progressivism. Still, I fear it won't happen unless a new guard is restored to prominence more like the old guard.

Arise Together - How the Body of Christ is Finding Hope through the Pandemic

Dear Friend,

Arise Together: How the Body of Christ is Finding Hope through the Pandemic is a free book that we are offering to subscribers of The Christian Post.

We endeavored to launch a free book because we witnessed the hardships and fears that many people faced during this pandemic. So we reached out to pastors and Christian leaders who donated their time and a chapter each for this book, for which we are grateful. And we worked with a Christian-owned printer in the USA to print these books at low-cost. As a result, we’re able to provide these books for free and mail them to you at low-cost.

We sincerely hope that this book will be a source of encouragement for so many in the time of suffering and loss, and we thank God for the opportunity to serve in this way.

Please go to to order your FREE copy today!

Arise Together - Twenty Authors, One Book

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