Today's Headlines
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Harry Potter series author J.K. Rowling is continuing to speak to gender identity issues, stating that the experimental practices related to gender-transitioning constitute a medical scandal that is likely to erupt soon.
A group of Republican U.S. senators have asked President Donald Trump to withhold COVID-19 relief from states that wrongfully keep churches closed amid the pandemic.
A congregation in Illinois has given away hundreds of backpacks full of school supplies to students for the upcoming school year, with the hopeful expectation of giving away more later.
Twitter is refusing to promote an article by Christian author Larry Alex Taunton in which he attempts to provide a "Christian response" to the civil unrest across the United States and argues that violent riots are planned Marxist political tools. 
Some 25% of Americans believe that there is at least some truth to the conspiracy theory that powerful people intentionally planned the new coronavirus outbreak, and conservative Republicans, blacks and Hispanics are more likely to fall into this group, according to results of a survey recently released by the Pew Research Center.
When you study theology, you’ll come to a field called ‘theology proper’, which is a deep-dive into the attributes of God.

Arise Together: How the Body of Christ is Finding Hope through the Pandemic is a free book that we are offering to subscribers of The Christian Post.

Dear Friend,

Arise Together: How the Body of Christ is Finding Hope through the Pandemic is a free book that we are offering to subscribers of The Christian Post.

We endeavored to launch a free book because we witnessed the hardships and fears that many people faced during this pandemic. So we reached out to pastors and Christian leaders who donated their time and a chapter each for this book, for which we are grateful. And we worked with a Christian-owned printer in the USA to print these books at low-cost. As a result, we’re able to provide these books for free and mail them to you at low-cost.

We sincerely hope that this book will be a source of encouragement for so many in the time of suffering and loss, and we thank God for the opportunity to serve in this way.

Please go to to preorder your copy today!

Twenty Authors, One Book

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